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The Gnome Gtk Version 4 libraries


Just like its predessor Gnome::Gtk3, this repository is a language binding for Raku.

All the modules are depending on other Gnome packages like Gnome::Gio and Gnome::Glib which are named the same as before. All the packages are changed to use a different way to call the native functions from the C-libraries. To prevent any problems like calling a function from the wrong module, the previous implementations are tagged with :api<1> and the newest with :api<2>. All you have to do is using the proper tag when installing the packages and in the use statements.

Installing the newest implementation

Using zef;

zef install Gnome::Gtk4:api<2>

Importing a module in your programs

Example to load the Window module;

use Gnome::Gtk4::Window::api<2>;

Installing the previous implementation

Using zef;

zef install Gnome::Gtk3:api<1>

Importing a module in your programs

use Gnome::Gtk3::Window::api<1>;

Differences between the api versions

The main differences between the two versions are the following

  • The naming of the classes is a bit different
  • The instanciation of objects is changed

Naming of the classes

Gnome has the types class, interface, record or union from which classes are generated.

  • class; This type will still convert to the same Raku type as in :api<1>. They are defined as Raku classes. For instance, the GtkLabel class becomes Gnome::Gtk4::Label.
  • interface; These types will get a R- prefix and are defined as Raku roles. As an example, the GtkOrientable interface becomes Gnome::Gtk4::R-Orientable. However, there is one interface class in Gio which is converted into a normal class. This class is Gnome::Gio::File.
  • record and union; Those types are both converted into class names with a N- prefixed. For example Gnome::Gtk4::N-Bitset.

There are more types describing simpler structures. These are constant, enumeration, bitfield and function. Those are all saved in modules with lowercase names and prefixed with a T-. An example module is Gnome::Gtk4::T-enums.

The instanciation of objects

In the :api<1> version, the instanciation was always done using the .new() methods. To cope with all arguments to the native functions, the .new() methods had to implement several kinds of named arguments to handle that. So, that is changed in this :api<2> version. All of the routines are named after the Gnome native functions and a few are named differently because of clashes with Raku new() method.

First a small explanation of how any function name is translated into the raku method name. In the Gtk set of modules, a function name, for example in the GtkBox class, gtk_box_append() to append an object in the box. The translation is to remove the gtk and class name. Then change remaining underscores in dashes. So the gtk_box_append() function is defined as append() method.

This will also be done for the contructor functions. for the GtkBox, there is a function called gtk_box_new(). This would be translated to new(). The exception for these kind of functions is that the name will become new-box() instead of new(). Other constructor names like e.g. gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic() in the GtkLabel class would not pose a problem. This is translated into new-with-mnemonic().

Exceptions to the rule

Yes, we need exceptions, we are craving for exceptions. Here they are;

  • Calling .new() on any object is possible with the option :native-object(). This is used to initiate a class with an object from a calle to a native object, e.g. getting a widget from a grid. Lets say a button;
    my Gnome::Gtk4::Button $button .= new(:native-object($grid.get-child-at(1,1));

    This can be made a bit shorter using coersion. The next line will do exactly the same thing.

    my Gnome::Gtk4::Button() $button = $grid.get-child-at(1,1);
  • The other exception is for any object inheriting from Gnome::GObject::Object. Then it is possible to initialise the class with option :build-id(). However, there must be some work done before this can used. Examples will be shown in the tutorials section.