About work on projects

Something about me

Hi, I am Marcel Timmerman and I have programming Perl for a very long time. Besides other languages such as JavaScript, HTML, C, C++, … etc. this language had always a strong pull. On my work I used it on many occasions to find things out on the network, cleaning things up, work on databases and many other large and small projects. This could be done only because of those modules like Moose, Rose::DB, Log4perl and many more.

In the mean time I’ve left my job and got the opportunity to learn a bit more about the language. I came to the conclusion that Perl was changing more than I thought. This is, I think, much more so than in other languages and, very important, without breaking old code!

However, since December 2014 I took up studying Perl 6 (in the mean time renamed to Raku). Now I’m hooked. It is a very nice language capable of many things without using basic modules. You can imagine what it will be capable of when there are as many modules as there are on CPAN for Perl.

I am mainly working with Rakudo downloaded directly from github and the Moarvm virtual machine. Although I am still learning the language I’ve taken on maintaining two modules from Paweł Pabian. These are MongoDB and BSON. Besides that I am already full of ideas like making a meta information library about all files, projects and media I have scattered around on disk and computers using these modules.

I am now writing 2020-07-07. A lot has changed. Modules have entered the ecosystem and also on CPAN. Raku is much faster and many bugs are removed. The list of projecs of mine is growing too. I need some prioritization to keep an eye on projects without them dying on me. You can read all about it on the projects page.

Note: The Perl and Raku language development is initiated and created by Larry Wall with the help of many other thinkers and developers.