Quark - a 2-way association between a string and a unique integer identifier
Quarks are associations between strings and integer identifiers or a GQuark. Given either the string or the GQuark identifier it is possible to retrieve the other.
Quarks are used for example to specify error domains, see also Gnome::Glib::Error.
To create a new quark from a string, use g_quark_from_string()
To find the string corresponding to a given GQuark, use g_quark_to_string()
To find the GQuark corresponding to a given string, use g_quark_try_string()
unit class Gnome::Glib::Quark;
use Test;
use Gnome::Glib::Quark;
my Gnome::Glib::Quark $quark .= new;
my UInt $q = $quark.try-string('my string');
is $q, 0, 'no quark for string';
$q = $quark.from-string('my 2nd string');
is $quark.from-string('my 2nd string'), $q, "2nd string has got quark $q";
is $$q), 'my 2nd string', "2nd string found from quark";
default, no options
Create a new quark object.
multi method new ( )
[[g_] quark_] try_string
Gets the GQuark associated with the given string, or 0 if string is undefined or it has no associated GQuark.
If you want the GQuark to be created if it doesn’t already exist, use g_quark_from_string()
or g_quark_from_static_string()
Returns: the GQuark associated with the string, or 0 if $string is undefined or there is no GQuark associated with it.
method g_quark_try_string ( Str $string --> Int )
- Str $string: a string
[[g_] quark_] from_string
Gets the GQuark identifying the given string. If the string does not currently have an associated GQuark, a new GQuark is created, using a copy of the string.
Returns: the GQuark identifying the string, or 0 if $string is undefined
method g_quark_from_string ( Str $string --> Int )
- Str $string: a string
[[g_] quark_] to_string
Gets the string associated with the given GQuark.
method g_quark_to_string ( Int $quark --> Str )