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Class initialization


Initialization of a type class is simple and only needed when the standalone functions are used.

method new ( )

Record N-ContentFormatsBuilder

This is an opaque type of which fields are not available.

class N-ContentFormatsBuilder:auth<github:MARTIMM>:api<2> is export is repr('CStruct') { }

Record N-FileList

This is an opaque type of which fields are not available.

class N-FileList:auth<github:MARTIMM>:api<2> is export is repr('CStruct') { }

Standalone Functions


Parses the given $string into Gnome::Gdk4::N-ContentFormats and returns the formats.

Strings printed via .to-string() in class Gnome::Gdk4::N-ContentFormats can be read in again successfully using this function.

If $string does not describe valid content formats, undefined is returned.

method content-formats-parse ( Str $string --> N-Object )
  • $string; the string to parse.

Return value; the content formats if $string is valid.


Canonicalizes the given mime type and interns the result.

If $string is not a valid mime type, undefined is returned instead. See RFC 2048 for the syntax if mime types.

method intern-mime-type ( Str $string --> Str )
  • $string; string of a potential mime type.

Return value; An interned string for the canonicalized mime type or undefined if the string wasn't a valid mime type.