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Class initialization


Initialization of a type class is simple and only needed when the standalone functions are used.

method new ( )



Flags about a paintable object.

Implementations use these for optimizations such as caching.

  • GDK_PAINTABLE_STATIC_SIZE; The size is immutable. The [signal $GdkPaintable::invalidate-size] signal will never be emitted.

  • GDK_PAINTABLE_STATIC_CONTENTS; The content is immutable. The [signal $GdkPaintable::invalidate-contents] signal will never be emitted.

Standalone Functions


Returns a paintable that has the given intrinsic size and draws nothing.

This is often useful for implementing the [vfunc $Gdk.Paintable.get_current_image] virtual function when the paintable is in an incomplete state (like a Gnome::Gtk4::MediaStream before receiving the first frame).

method paintable-new-empty ( Int() $intrinsic-width, Int() $intrinsic-height --> N-Object )
  • $intrinsic-width; The intrinsic width to report. Can be 0 for no width..

  • $intrinsic-height; The intrinsic height to report. Can be 0 for no height..

Return value; a Gnome::Gdk4::R-Paintable.