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A 4 vertex quadrilateral, as represented by four Gnome::Graphene::N-Point.

The contents of a Gnome::Graphene::N-Quad are private and should never be accessed directly.

Class initialization



Create an object using a native object from elsewhere. See also Gnome::N::TopLevelSupportClass.

multi method new ( N-Object :$native-object! )


Allocates a new Gnome::Graphene::N-Quad instance.

The contents of the returned instance are undefined.

method alloc ( --> Gnome::Graphene::Quad \)



Computes the bounding rectangle of $q and places it into $r.

method bounds ( CArray[N-Rect] $r )
  • $r; return location for a Gnome::Graphene::N-Rect.

contains This function is not yet available

Checks if the given Gnome::Graphene::N-Quad contains the given Gnome::Graphene::N-Point.

method contains ( CArray[N-Point] $p )
  • $p; a Gnome::Graphene::N-Point.


Frees the resources allocated by .alloc()

method free ( )

get-point This function is not yet available

Retrieves the point of a Gnome::Graphene::N-Quad at the given index.

method get-point ( … --> CArray[N-Point] )
  • index; the index of the point to retrieve. Note that each argument must be specified as a type followed by its value!

Return value; a Gnome::Graphene::N-Point.


Initializes a Gnome::Graphene::N-Quad with the given points.

method init ( CArray[N-Point] $p1, CArray[N-Point] $p2, CArray[N-Point] $p3, CArray[N-Point] $p4 --> CArray[N-Quad] )
  • $p1; the first point of the quadrilateral.

  • $p2; the second point of the quadrilateral.

  • $p3; the third point of the quadrilateral.

  • $p4; the fourth point of the quadrilateral.

Return value; the initialized Gnome::Graphene::N-Quad.


Initializes a Gnome::Graphene::N-Quad using an array of points.

method init-from-points ( CArray[N-Point] $points --> CArray[N-Quad] )
  • $points; an array of 4 Gnome::Graphene::N-Point.

Return value; the initialized Gnome::Graphene::N-Quad.


Initializes a Gnome::Graphene::N-Quad using the four corners of the given Gnome::Graphene::N-Rect.

method init-from-rect ( CArray[N-Rect] $r --> CArray[N-Quad] )
  • $r; a Gnome::Graphene::N-Rect.

Return value; the initialized Gnome::Graphene::N-Quad.