Container for binary data
The BSON specification describes several types of binary data of which a few are deprecated. In the table below, you can see what is defined and what is supported by this class.
SubCode | Constant | Note |
0x00 | BSON::C-GENERIC | Generic binary subtype. |
0x01 | BSON::C-FUNCTION | Function. |
0x02 | BSON::C-BINARY-OLD | Binary, deprecated. |
0x03 | BSON::C-UUID-OLD | UUID, deprecated. |
0x04 | BSON::C-UUID | UUID. |
0x05 | BSON::C-MD5 | MD5. |
0x06 | BSON::C-ENCRIPT | Encrypted BSON value. This new and not yet implemented. |
… 0x7F | All other codes to 0x80 are reserved. | |
0x80 | User may define their own code from 0x80 … 0xFF. | |
0xFF | End of the range. |
unit class BSON::Binary:auth<github:MARTIMM>;
# A Universally Unique IDentifier
my BSON::Document $doc .= new;
$doc<uuid> =
:data(, :type(BSON::C-UUID)
# My own complex number type. Can be done easier, but well you know,
# I needed some example …
enum MyBinDataTypes ( :COMPLEX(0x80), …);
my Complex $c = 2.4 + 3.3i;
my Buf $data .= new;
$data.write-num64( 0, $, LittleEndian);
$data.write-num64( BSON::C-DOUBLE-SIZE, $, LittleEndian);
$doc<complex> = :$data, :type(COMPLEX));
Create a container to hold binary data.
new ( Buf :$data, Int :$type = BSON::C-GENERIC )
Buf :$data; the binary data.
Int :$type; the type of the data. By default it is set to BSON::C-GENERIC.
Show the structure of a Binary
method raku ( Int :$indent --> Str ) is also<perl>
Encode a BSON::Binary object. This is called from the BSON::Document encode method.
method encode ( --> Buf )
Decode a Buf object. This is called from the BSON::Document decode method.
method decode (
Buf:D $b, Int:D $index is copy, Int:D :$buf-size
--> BSON::Binary
Buf $b; the binary data
Int $index; index into a larger document where binary starts
Int :$buf-size; size of binary, only checked for UUID and MD5