MongoDB database driver


Operations on collections in a MongoDB database


A MongoDB collection is where the data can be found. The data is stored as a document. The document is provided as a BSON::Document. The only interesting method here is find(). This method is also used by the run-command() from MongoDB::Database. So, most of the time you will find yourself using the .run-command() instead.

Example 1

This example uses a find() without any arguments. This causes all documents to be returned and shown.

my MongoDB::Client $client .= new(:uri('mongodb://'));
my MongoDB::Database $database = $client.database('contacts');
my MongoDB::Collection $collection =

# Find everything and show it
for $collection.find -> BSON::Document $document {

Example 2

This example shows that the find() narrows the search down by using conditions.

my MongoDB::Client $client .= new(:uri('mongodb://'));
my MongoDB::Database $database = $client.database('contacts');
my MongoDB::Collection $collection =

my MongoDB::Cursor $cursor = $collection.find(
  :$criteria(nick => 'camelia'), $number-to-return(1)



Create a new collection object.

submethod BUILD (
  Str:D :$name, MongoDB::Uri:D :$uri-obj,
  MongoDB::Database:D :$database
  • Str:D $!name; The name of the collection.

  • DatabaseType:D $database; The database where collection resides.

  • MongoDB::Uri $uri-obj; Object holding URI information given to the MongoDB::Client.

Example 1

Create a collection perl_users in database contacts.

my MongoDB::Database $database .= new($client.database('contacts'));
my MongoDB::Collection $collection .= new(
  :$database, :name<perl_users>, :uri-obj($client.uri-obj)

Example 2

However, the easier way is to call collection on the database

my MongoDB::Collection $collection =

Example 3

Or directly from the client. Note the how the database name and collection name is written, names are separated by a dot (‘.’). See below at full-collection-name.

my MongoDB::Collection $collection =


Get the full representation of this collection. This is a string composed of the database name and collection name separated by a dot. E.g. person.address means collection address in database person.

method full-collection-name ( --> Str )


Get the name of the current collection. It is set by MongoDB::Database when a collection object is created.

method name ( --> Str )


Find record in a collection. This method is used directly if you want some finer control over the search procedure.

multi method find (
  List() :$criteria = (), List() :$projection = (),
  Int :$number-to-skip = 0, Int :$number-to-return = 0,
  QueryFindFlags :@flags = Array[QueryFindFlags].new,
  --> MongoDB::Cursor

multi method find (
  BSON::Document :$criteria =,
  BSON::Document :$projection?,
  Int :$number-to-skip = 0, Int :$number-to-return = 0,
  QueryFindFlags :@flags = Array[QueryFindFlags].new,
  --> MongoDB::Cursor
  • $criteria; Document that represents the query. The query will contain one or more elements, all of which must match for a document to be included in the result set. Possible elements include $query, $orderby, $hint, and $explain.

  • $projection; Document that limits the fields in the returned documents. The document contains one or more elements, each of which is the name of a field that should be returned, and the integer value 1. In JSON notation, an example to limit to the fields a, b and c would be { a : 1, b : 1, c : 1}.

  • $number-to-skip; Number of documents to skip.

  • $number-to-return; Number of documents to return in the first returned batch.

  • @flags; Bit vector of query options. See MongoDB documentation or defined enumerations and such.


use MongoDB;
use MongoDB::Client;
use MongoDB::Cursor;
use BSON::ObjectId;
use BSON::Document;

my MongoDB::Client $client = $clients{'mongodb://'};
my MongoDB::Database $database = $client.database('admin');
my MongoDB::Collection $collection =

# next is just a series of silly addresses to do a bulk insert
my Array $docs = [];
for ^200 -> $i {
  $docs.push: (
    code                => "n$i",
    name                => "name $i and lastname $i",
    address             => "address $i",
    test_record         => "tr$i"

my BSON::Document $req .= new: (
  insert => $,
  documents => $docs

my BSON::Document $doc = $$req);
if $doc<ok> == 1 {
  say "inserted $doc<n> docs";

  # Search for a document where test_record ~~ 'tr100'
  # and return all fields in that document except for
  # the _id field.
  my MongoDB::Cursor $cursor = $collection.find(
  :criteria(test_record => 'tr100',),
  :projection(_id => 0,)
  $doc = $cursor.fetch;

  say "There are $doc.elems() fields returned";
  say "Test record field is $doc<test_record>";