Container for Object id.
Object id’s are used by the mongodb server and are added to the document automatically to distinguish documents from each other. When you are looking at your data on a server with, lets say robo3t
, you will notice a key named ‘_id
’ with an ObjectId object. For this reason, it is not very usefull to add such an object to your data yourself.
unit class BSON::ObjectId:auth<github:MARTIMM>;
Create an ObjectId object. According to the specs, the first 4 bytes is a time stamp encoded as Big Endian. Then a random number of 5 bytes with another 3 byte random number. The last random number is generated once per application run and is incremented everytime a new object id is generated.
Create an ObjectId object using a hexadecimal string.
new ( Str:D :$string! )
Create an ObjectId object using a 12 byte Buf.
new ( Buf:D :$bytes! )
Show the structure of a document
method raku ( Int :$indent --> Str ) is also<perl>
Return a 24 digit hexadecimal string
method Str ( --> Str ) is also<to-string>
Encode a BSON::ObjectId object. This is called from the BSON::Document encode method.
method encode ( --> Buf )
Decode a Buf object. This is called from the BSON::Document decode method.
method decode (
Buf:D $b, Int:D $index is copy
--> BSON::ObjectId
Buf $b; the binary data
Int $index; index into a larger document where object id binary starts