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Using the DrawArea class

This tutoral shows how to use the Gnome::Gtk4::DrawArea class. A drawing is made in a simple window where a few colored rectangles are shown.

As always, import the modules and make ourselfes comfortable with a few constants. We are using the Cairo module of Timo here.

use Cairo;

use Gnome::Glib::N-MainLoop:api<2>;

use Gnome::Gtk4::DrawingArea:api<2>;
use Gnome::Gtk4::Window:api<2>;

use Gnome::N::GlibToRakuTypes:api<2>;
use Gnome::N::N-Object:api<2>;

constant Window = Gnome::Gtk4::Window;
constant DrawingArea = Gnome::Gtk4::DrawingArea;

For this simple setup we need to use an event controller.

my Gnome::Glib::N-MainLoop $main-loop .= new-mainloop;

A simple helper class to stop the application

class SH {
  method stopit () {
    say 'close request';

Now we have to set a drawing function which does the drawing in the provided area. The user data and the destroy notifier function are not provided by using gpointers.

with my DrawingArea $draw .= new-drawingarea {
  .set-draw-func( &drawit, gpointer, gpointer);

Put the drawing area in a window and display it using .present().

with my Window $window .= new-window {
  .register-signal( SH.new, 'stopit', 'close-request');
  .set-title('My Rectangles');
  .set-size-request( 300, 300);


Finally start the event loop


This subroutine will draw four rectangles with different colors. For the drawing commands you must look into the documentation of Cairo and documentation at the Cairo site.

sub drawit (
  N-Object $d, Cairo::cairo_t $cr, gint $w, gint $h, gpointer $p
) {
  with Cairo::Context.new($cr) {
    .rgb(0, 0.7, 0.9);
    .rectangle(10, 10, 50, 50);
    .fill :preserve;
    .rgb(1, 1, 1);

    .rgb(0.5, 0.0, 0.9);
    .rectangle(90, 35, 110, 110);
    .fill :preserve;
    .rgb(1, 1, 1);

    .rgb(0.8, 0.8, 0);
    .rectangle(20, 70, 120, 170);
    .fill :preserve;
    .rgb(1, 1, 1);

    .rgb(0, 0.7, 0.0);
    .rectangle(130, 130, 150, 150);
    .fill :preserve;
    .rgb(1, 1, 1);

With the following result;
