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A Toggle Button

The toggle button is a type of button which reminds an on and off state switching from one to the other when clicked/pressed. In itself it is easy to use it, just like a button, so we make the representation of the button a bit more interesting.

What we will learn

This tutorial brings a few new things;

  • Use of a Gnome::Gtk4::ToggleButton.
  • Modifying the child widget of the toggle button widget. Normally, a label is set, there is only text on the button to be seen. This is just a native Gnome::Gtk4::Label.

The program

I leave it here as an exercise to import the modules. What we will need here is N-MainLoop, ToggleButton, Window, Frame, Box, Label, Image, T-enums, GlibToRakuTypes, N-Object. Two things to remember a) attach :api<2> to each line and b) not all modules are in Gtk4. Some are from Glib and N.

Also the program makes use of constants to create smaller types. E.g. constant Window = Gnome::Gtk4::Window; to use the Window as a type.

We now make a class where it all happens. We need the even loop and initialize it while initializing.

class ToggleDisplay {
  has Gnome::Glib::N-MainLoop $!main-loop;

  submethod BUILD ( ) {
    $!main-loop .= new-mainloop( N-Object, True);

The toggle button is created. Normally you do something like calling .new-with-label() and be done with it. Here we will set the child object of the toggle button with an object created in .make-led-text-widget() in this class. Then we set an event handler for the toggled event.

    with my ToggleButton $toggle-button .= new-togglebutton {
      .set-child(self.make-led-text-widget( 'Busy', True));
      .register-signal( self, 'toggle', 'toggled');

The rest is simple. Make a Frame and place the button in it. Then a Window and set the Frame in it. The last task in the initialization is to ignite the event loop.

    with my Frame $frame .= new-frame {


    with my Window $window .= new-window {
      .register-signal( self, 'stopit', 'close-request');
      .set-title('Toggle Display!');



The widget for the toggle button will be a horizontal Box with an Image and a Label. The Box is the returned. Note that the images used are an Off and an On led icon from somewhere on my disk. You should find yourself a pair of images and place it where the program can read them, then change the path to it (here: ‘/home/marcel/Graphics/IconsArchive/Icons/32n/ledIcon/’);

  method make-led-text-widget (
    Str:D $purpose, Bool:D $state --> Gnome::Gtk4::Box
  ) {
    my Str $icons = '/home/marcel/Graphics/IconsArchive/Icons/32n/ledIcon/';
    my Str $image = $state ?? 'green-on-32.png' !! 'green-off-32.png';

    my Gnome::Gtk4::Box $hbox .= new-box( GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 1);

    my Image $led-image .= new-image;
    $led-image.set-from-file($icons ~ $image);

    my Label $text .= new-label($purpose);


As always a quit event handler.

  method stopit ( --> gboolean ) {


And a handler for the toggle events on the ToggleButton.

  method toggle ( ToggleButton() :_native-object($toggle-button) ) {
    my Bool $state = $toggle-button.get-active;
    my Gnome::Gtk4::Box $widget = self.make-led-text-widget(
      $state ?? 'Busy' !! 'not Busy', $state

The program is started by instanciating the class.


The results should be:

and after clicking