Interfacing Raku to Gnome GTK+


Application information and launch contexts


B<Gnome::Gio::AppInfo> and B<Gnome::Gio::AppLaunchContext> are used for describing and launching applications installed on the system.

See Also

Gnome::Gio::AppInfo and Gnome::Gio::AppInfoMonitor



unit class Gnome::Gio::AppLaunchContext;
also is Gnome::GObject::Object;



default, no options

Create a new AppLaunchContext object.

multi method new ( )


Create a AppLaunchContext object using a native object from elsewhere. See also Gnome::N::TopLevelClassSupport.

multi method new ( N-GObject :$native-object! )


Create a AppLaunchContext object using a native object returned from a builder. See also Gnome::GObject::Object.

multi method new ( Str :$build-id! )


Gets the display string for the context. This is used to ensure new applications are started on the same display as the launching application, by setting the DISPLAY environment variable.

Returns: a display string for the display.

method get-display ( N-GObject $info, N-GList $files --> Str )
  • N-GObject $info; a Gnome::Gio::AppInfo

  • N-GList $files; (element-type GFile): a Gnome::Gio::List of Gnome::Gio::File objects


Gets the complete environment variable list to be passed to the child process when context is used to launch an application. This is a undefined-terminated array of strings, where each string has the form KEY=VALUE.

Returns: (element-type filename) : the child’s environment

method get-environment ( --> CArray[Str] )


Initiates startup notification for the application and returns the DESKTOP-STARTUP-ID for the launched operation, if supported.

Startup notification IDs are defined in the FreeDesktop.Org Startup Notifications standard.

Returns: a startup notification ID for the application, or undefined if not supported.

method get-startup-notify-id ( N-GObject $info, N-GList $files --> Str )
  • N-GObject $info; a Gnome::Gio::AppInfo

  • N-GList $files; (element-type GFile): a Gnome::Gio::List of of Gnome::Gio::File objects


Called when an application has failed to launch, so that it can cancel the application startup notification started in get-startup-notify-id().

method launch-failed ( Str $startup_notify_id )
  • Str $startup_notify_id; the startup notification id that was returned by get-startup-notify-id().


There are two ways to connect to a signal. The first option you have is to use register-signal() from Gnome::GObject::Object. The second option is to use connect-object() directly from Gnome::GObject::Signal.

First method

The positional arguments of the signal handler are all obligatory as well as their types. The named attributes :$widget and user data are optional.

# handler method
method mouse-event ( GdkEvent $event, :$widget ) { ... }

# connect a signal on window object
my Gnome::Gtk3::Window $w .= new( ... );
$w.register-signal( self, 'mouse-event', 'button-press-event');

Second method

my Gnome::Gtk3::Window $w .= new( ... );
my Callable $handler = sub (
  N-GObject $native, GdkEvent $event, OpaquePointer $data
) {

$w.connect-object( 'button-press-event', $handler);

Also here, the types of positional arguments in the signal handler are important. This is because both methods register-signal() and connect-object() are using the signatures of the handler routines to setup the native call interface.

Supported signals


The launch-failed signal is emitted when a Gnome::Gio::AppInfo launch fails. The startup notification id is provided, so that the launcher can cancel the startup notification.

method handler (
  Str $startup_notify_id,
  Int :$_handle_id,
  Gnome::Gio::AppLaunchContext :_widget($context),
  • Gnome::Gio::AppLaunchContext $context; the object emitting the signal

  • $startup_notify_id; the startup notification id for the failed launch

  • $_handle_id; the registered event handler id


The launched signal is emitted when a Gnome::Gio::AppInfo is successfully launched. The platform-data is an GVariant dictionary mapping strings to variants (ie a{sv}), which contains additional, platform-specific data about this launch. On UNIX, at least the “pid” and “startup-notification-id” keys will be present.

method handler (
  N-GObject $info,
  N-GObject $platform_data,
  Int :$_handle_id,
  Gnome::Gio::AppLaunchContext :_widget($context),
  • Gnome::Gio::AppLaunchContext $context; the object emitting the signal

  • N-GObject $info; the Gnome::Gio::AppInfo that was just launched

  • N-GObject $platform_data; additional platform-specific data for this launch. This is a native Gnome::Glib::Variant.

  • $_handle_id; the registered event handler id