Interfacing Raku to Gnome GTK+



All enummerations and flags used for Gio are defined here.



unit class Gnome::Gio::Enums;


enum GAppInfoCreateFlags

Flags used when creating a GAppInfo.


  • G_APP_INFO_CREATE_NEEDS_TERMINAL: Application opens in a terminal window.

  • G_APP_INFO_CREATE_SUPPORTS_URIS: Application supports URI arguments.

  • G_APP_INFO_CREATE_SUPPORTS_STARTUP_NOTIFICATION: Application supports startup notification. Since 2.26

enum GConverterFlags

Flags used when calling a g_converter_convert().

Since: 2.24


  • G_CONVERTER_INPUT_AT_END: At end of input data

  • G_CONVERTER_FLUSH: Flush data

enum GConverterResult

Results returned from g_converter_convert().

Since: 2.24

  • G_CONVERTER_ERROR: There was an error during conversion.

  • G_CONVERTER_CONVERTED: Some data was consumed or produced

  • G_CONVERTER_FINISHED: The conversion is finished

  • G_CONVERTER_FLUSHED: Flushing is finished

enum GDataStreamByteOrder

GDataStreamByteOrder is used to ensure proper endianness of streaming data sources across various machine architectures.

  • G_DATA_STREAM_BYTE_ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN: Selects Big Endian byte order.

  • G_DATA_STREAM_BYTE_ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN: Selects Little Endian byte order.

  • G_DATA_STREAM_BYTE_ORDER_HOST_ENDIAN: Selects endianness based on host machine’s architecture.

enum GDataStreamNewlineType

GDataStreamNewlineType is used when checking for or setting the line endings for a given file.

  • G_DATA_STREAM_NEWLINE_TYPE_LF: Selects “LF” line endings, common on most modern UNIX platforms.

  • G_DATA_STREAM_NEWLINE_TYPE_CR: Selects “CR” line endings.

  • G_DATA_STREAM_NEWLINE_TYPE_CR_LF: Selects “CR, LF” line ending, common on Microsoft Windows.

  • G_DATA_STREAM_NEWLINE_TYPE_ANY: Automatically try to handle any line ending type.

enum GFileAttributeType

The data types for file attributes.

  • G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_INVALID: indicates an invalid or uninitalized type.

  • G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_STRING: a null terminated UTF8 string.

  • G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_BYTE_STRING: a zero terminated string of non-zero bytes.

  • G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_BOOLEAN: a boolean value.

  • G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_UINT32: an unsigned 4-byte/32-bit integer.

  • G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_INT32: a signed 4-byte/32-bit integer.

  • G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_UINT64: an unsigned 8-byte/64-bit integer.

  • G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_INT64: a signed 8-byte/64-bit integer.


  • G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_STRINGV: a Any terminated char **. Since 2.22

enum GFileAttributeInfoFlags

Flags specifying the behaviour of an attribute.

  • G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_INFO_NONE: no flags set.

  • G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_INFO_COPY_WITH_FILE: copy the attribute values when the file is copied.

  • G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_INFO_COPY_WHEN_MOVED: copy the attribute values when the file is moved.

enum GFileAttributeStatus

Used by g_file_set_attributes_from_info() when setting file attributes.

  • G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_STATUS_UNSET: Attribute value is unset (empty).

  • G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_STATUS_SET: Attribute value is set.

  • G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_STATUS_ERROR_SETTING: Indicates an error in setting the value.

enum GFileQueryInfoFlags

Flags used when querying a GFileInfo.

  • G_FILE_QUERY_INFO_NONE: No flags set.

  • G_FILE_QUERY_INFO_NOFOLLOW_SYMLINKS: Don’t follow symlinks.

enum GFileCreateFlags

Flags used when an operation may create a file.

  • G_FILE_CREATE_NONE: No flags set.

  • G_FILE_CREATE_PRIVATE: Create a file that can only be accessed by the current user.

  • G_FILE_CREATE_REPLACE_DESTINATION: Replace the destination as if it didn’t exist before. Don’t try to keep any old permissions, replace instead of following links. This is generally useful if you’re doing a “copy over” rather than a “save new version of” replace operation. You can think of it as “unlink destination” before writing to it, although the implementation may not be exactly like that. Since 2.20

enum GFileMeasureFlags

Flags that can be used with g_file_measure_disk_usage().

Since: 2.38

  • G_FILE_MEASURE_NONE: No flags set.

  • G_FILE_MEASURE_REPORT_ANY_ERROR: Report any error encountered while traversing the directory tree. Normally errors are only reported for the toplevel file.

  • G_FILE_MEASURE_APPARENT_SIZE: Tally usage based on apparent file sizes. Normally, the block-size is used, if available, as this is a more accurate representation of disk space used. Compare with du --apparent-size.

  • G_FILE_MEASURE_NO_XDEV: Do not cross mount point boundaries. Compare with du -x.

enum GMountUnmountFlags

Flags used when an unmounting a mount.

  • G_MOUNT_UNMOUNT_NONE: No flags set.

  • G_MOUNT_UNMOUNT_FORCE: Unmount even if there are outstanding file operations on the mount.

enum GDriveStartStopType

Enumeration describing how a drive can be started/stopped.

Since: 2.22

  • G_DRIVE_START_STOP_TYPE_UNKNOWN: Unknown or drive doesn’t support start/stop.

  • G_DRIVE_START_STOP_TYPE_SHUTDOWN: The stop method will physically shut down the drive and e.g. power down the port the drive is attached to.

  • G_DRIVE_START_STOP_TYPE_NETWORK: The start/stop methods are used for connecting/disconnect to the drive over the network.

  • G_DRIVE_START_STOP_TYPE_MULTIDISK: The start/stop methods will assemble/disassemble a virtual drive from several physical drives.

  • G_DRIVE_START_STOP_TYPE_PASSWORD: The start/stop methods will unlock/lock the disk (for example using the ATA SECURITY UNLOCK DEVICE command)

enum GFileCopyFlags

Flags used when copying or moving files.

  • G_FILE_COPY_NONE: No flags set.

  • G_FILE_COPY_OVERWRITE: Overwrite any existing files

  • G_FILE_COPY_BACKUP: Make a backup of any existing files.

  • G_FILE_COPY_NOFOLLOW_SYMLINKS: Don’t follow symlinks.

  • G_FILE_COPY_ALL_METADATA: Copy all file metadata instead of just default set used for copy (see GFileInfo).

  • G_FILE_COPY_NO_FALLBACK_FOR_MOVE: Don’t use copy and delete fallback if native move not supported.

  • G_FILE_COPY_TARGET_DEFAULT_PERMS: Leaves target file with default perms, instead of setting the source file perms.

enum GFileMonitorFlags

Flags used to set what a GFileMonitor will watch for.

  • G_FILE_MONITOR_NONE: No flags set.

  • G_FILE_MONITOR_WATCH_MOUNTS: Watch for mount events.

  • G_FILE_MONITOR_SEND_MOVED: Pair DELETED and CREATED events caused by file renames (moves) and send a single G_FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_MOVED event instead (NB: not supported on all backends; the default behaviour -without specifying this flag- is to send single DELETED and CREATED events). Deprecated since 2.46: use G_FILE_MONITOR_WATCH_MOVES instead.

  • G_FILE_MONITOR_WATCH_HARD_LINKS: Watch for changes to the file made via another hard link. Since 2.36.

  • G_FILE_MONITOR_WATCH_MOVES: Watch for rename operations on a monitored directory. This causes G_FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_RENAMED, G_FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_MOVED_IN and G_FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_MOVED_OUT events to be emitted when possible. Since: 2.46.

enum GFileType

Indicates the file’s on-disk type.

  • G_FILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN: File’s type is unknown.

  • G_FILE_TYPE_REGULAR: File handle represents a regular file.

  • G_FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY: File handle represents a directory.

  • G_FILE_TYPE_SYMBOLIC_LINK: File handle represents a symbolic link (Unix systems).

  • G_FILE_TYPE_SPECIAL: File is a “special” file, such as a socket, fifo, block device, or character device.

  • G_FILE_TYPE_SHORTCUT: File is a shortcut (Windows systems).

  • G_FILE_TYPE_MOUNTABLE: File is a mountable location.

enum GFilesystemPreviewType

Indicates a hint from the file system whether files should be previewed in a file manager. Returned as the value of the key G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_FILESYSTEM_USE_PREVIEW.

  • G_FILESYSTEM_PREVIEW_TYPE_IF_ALWAYS: Only preview files if user has explicitly requested it.

  • G_FILESYSTEM_PREVIEW_TYPE_IF_LOCAL: Preview files if user has requested preview of “local” files.

  • G_FILESYSTEM_PREVIEW_TYPE_NEVER: Never preview files.

enum GFileMonitorEvent

Specifies what type of event a monitor event is.

  • G_FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_CHANGED: a file changed.

  • G_FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_CHANGES_DONE_HINT: a hint that this was probably the last change in a set of changes.

  • G_FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_DELETED: a file was deleted.

  • G_FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_CREATED: a file was created.

  • G_FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_ATTRIBUTE_CHANGED: a file attribute was changed.

  • G_FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_PRE_UNMOUNT: the file location will soon be unmounted.

  • G_FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_UNMOUNTED: the file location was unmounted.

  • G_FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_MOVED: the file was moved – only sent if the (deprecated) G_FILE_MONITOR_SEND_MOVED flag is set

  • G_FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_RENAMED: the file was renamed within the current directory – only sent if the G_FILE_MONITOR_WATCH_MOVES flag is set. Since: 2.46.

  • G_FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_MOVED_IN: the file was moved into the monitored directory from another location – only sent if the G_FILE_MONITOR_WATCH_MOVES flag is set. Since: 2.46.

  • G_FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_MOVED_OUT: the file was moved out of the monitored directory to another location – only sent if the G_FILE_MONITOR_WATCH_MOVES flag is set. Since: 2.46

enum GIOErrorEnum

Error codes returned by GIO functions.

Note that this domain may be extended in future GLib releases. In general, new error codes either only apply to new APIs, or else replace G_IO_ERROR_FAILED in cases that were not explicitly distinguished before. You should therefore avoid writing code like [ if (g_error_matches (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_FAILED)) { // Assume that this is EPRINTERONFIRE … } ] but should instead treat all unrecognized error codes the same as G_IO_ERROR_FAILED.
  • G_IO_ERROR_FAILED: Generic error condition for when an operation fails and no more specific GIOErrorEnum value is defined.

  • G_IO_ERROR_NOT_FOUND: File not found.

  • G_IO_ERROR_EXISTS: File already exists.

  • G_IO_ERROR_IS_DIRECTORY: File is a directory.

  • G_IO_ERROR_NOT_DIRECTORY: File is not a directory.

  • G_IO_ERROR_NOT_EMPTY: File is a directory that isn’t empty.

  • G_IO_ERROR_NOT_REGULAR_FILE: File is not a regular file.

  • G_IO_ERROR_NOT_SYMBOLIC_LINK: File is not a symbolic link.

  • G_IO_ERROR_NOT_MOUNTABLE_FILE: File cannot be mounted.

  • G_IO_ERROR_FILENAME_TOO_LONG: Filename is too many characters.

  • G_IO_ERROR_INVALID_FILENAME: Filename is invalid or contains invalid characters.

  • G_IO_ERROR_TOO_MANY_LINKS: File contains too many symbolic links.

  • G_IO_ERROR_NO_SPACE: No space left on drive.

  • G_IO_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT: Invalid argument.

  • G_IO_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED: Permission denied.

  • G_IO_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED: Operation (or one of its parameters) not supported

  • G_IO_ERROR_NOT_MOUNTED: File isn’t mounted.

  • G_IO_ERROR_ALREADY_MOUNTED: File is already mounted.

  • G_IO_ERROR_CLOSED: File was closed.

  • G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED: Operation was cancelled. See GCancellable.

  • G_IO_ERROR_PENDING: Operations are still pending.

  • G_IO_ERROR_READ_ONLY: File is read only.

  • G_IO_ERROR_CANT_CREATE_BACKUP: Backup couldn’t be created.

  • G_IO_ERROR_WRONG_ETAG: File’s Entity Tag was incorrect.

  • G_IO_ERROR_TIMED_OUT: Operation timed out.

  • G_IO_ERROR_WOULD_RECURSE: Operation would be recursive.

  • G_IO_ERROR_BUSY: File is busy.

  • G_IO_ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK: Operation would block.

  • G_IO_ERROR_HOST_NOT_FOUND: Host couldn’t be found (remote operations).

  • G_IO_ERROR_WOULD_MERGE: Operation would merge files.

  • G_IO_ERROR_FAILED_HANDLED: Operation failed and a helper program has already interacted with the user. Do not display any error dialog.

  • G_IO_ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES: The current process has too many files open and can’t open any more. Duplicate descriptors do count toward this limit. Since 2.20

  • G_IO_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED: The object has not been initialized. Since 2.22

  • G_IO_ERROR_ADDRESS_IN_USE: The requested address is already in use. Since 2.22

  • G_IO_ERROR_PARTIAL_INPUT: Need more input to finish operation. Since 2.24

  • G_IO_ERROR_INVALID_DATA: The input data was invalid. Since 2.24

  • G_IO_ERROR_DBUS_ERROR: A remote object generated an error that doesn’t correspond to a locally registered GError error domain. Use g_dbus_error_get_remote_error() to extract the D-Bus error name and g_dbus_error_strip_remote_error() to fix up the message so it matches what was received on the wire. Since 2.26.

  • G_IO_ERROR_HOST_UNREACHABLE: Host unreachable. Since 2.26

  • G_IO_ERROR_NETWORK_UNREACHABLE: Network unreachable. Since 2.26

  • G_IO_ERROR_CONNECTION_REFUSED: Connection refused. Since 2.26

  • G_IO_ERROR_PROXY_FAILED: Connection to proxy server failed. Since 2.26

  • G_IO_ERROR_PROXY_AUTH_FAILED: Proxy authentication failed. Since 2.26

  • G_IO_ERROR_PROXY_NEED_AUTH: Proxy server needs authentication. Since 2.26

  • G_IO_ERROR_PROXY_NOT_ALLOWED: Proxy connection is not allowed by ruleset. Since 2.26

  • G_IO_ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE: Broken pipe. Since 2.36

  • G_IO_ERROR_CONNECTION_CLOSED: Connection closed by peer. Note that this is the same code as G_IO_ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE; before 2.44 some “connection closed” errors returned G_IO_ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE, but others returned G_IO_ERROR_FAILED. Now they should all return the same value, which has this more logical name. Since 2.44.

  • G_IO_ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED: Transport endpoint is not connected. Since 2.44

  • G_IO_ERROR_MESSAGE_TOO_LARGE: Message too large. Since 2.48.

enum GAskPasswordFlags

GAskPasswordFlags are used to request specific information from the user, or to notify the user of their choices in an authentication situation.

  • G_ASK_PASSWORD_NEED_PASSWORD: operation requires a password.

  • G_ASK_PASSWORD_NEED_USERNAME: operation requires a username.

  • G_ASK_PASSWORD_NEED_DOMAIN: operation requires a domain.

  • G_ASK_PASSWORD_SAVING_SUPPORTED: operation supports saving settings.

  • G_ASK_PASSWORD_ANONYMOUS_SUPPORTED: operation supports anonymous users.

  • G_ASK_PASSWORD_TCRYPT: operation takes TCRYPT parameters (Since: 2.58)

enum GPasswordSave

GPasswordSave is used to indicate the lifespan of a saved password.

Gvfs stores passwords in the Gnome keyring when this flag allows it to, and later retrieves it again from there.

  • G_PASSWORD_SAVE_NEVER: never save a password.

  • G_PASSWORD_SAVE_FOR_SESSION: save a password for the session.

  • G_PASSWORD_SAVE_PERMANENTLY: save a password permanently.

enum GMountOperationResult

GMountOperationResult is returned as a result when a request for information is send by the mounting operation.

  • G_MOUNT_OPERATION_HANDLED: The request was fulfilled and the user specified data is now available

  • G_MOUNT_OPERATION_ABORTED: The user requested the mount operation to be aborted

  • G_MOUNT_OPERATION_UNHANDLED: The request was unhandled (i.e. not implemented)

enum GOutputStreamSpliceFlags

GOutputStreamSpliceFlags determine how streams should be spliced.

  • G_OUTPUT_STREAM_SPLICE_NONE: Do not close either stream.

  • G_OUTPUT_STREAM_SPLICE_CLOSE_SOURCE: Close the source stream after the splice.

  • G_OUTPUT_STREAM_SPLICE_CLOSE_TARGET: Close the target stream after the splice.

enum GIOStreamSpliceFlags

GIOStreamSpliceFlags determine how streams should be spliced.

Since: 2.28

  • G_IO_STREAM_SPLICE_NONE: Do not close either stream.

  • G_IO_STREAM_SPLICE_CLOSE_STREAM1: Close the first stream after the splice.

  • G_IO_STREAM_SPLICE_CLOSE_STREAM2: Close the second stream after the splice.

  • G_IO_STREAM_SPLICE_WAIT_FOR_BOTH: Wait for both splice operations to finish before calling the callback.

enum GEmblemOrigin

GEmblemOrigin is used to add information about the origin of the emblem to GEmblem.

Since: 2.18

  • G_EMBLEM_ORIGIN_UNKNOWN: Emblem of unknown origin

  • G_EMBLEM_ORIGIN_DEVICE: Emblem adds device-specific information

  • G_EMBLEM_ORIGIN_LIVEMETADATA: Emblem depicts live metadata, such as “readonly”

  • G_EMBLEM_ORIGIN_TAG: Emblem comes from a user-defined tag, e.g. set by nautilus (in the future)

enum GResolverError

An error code used with G_RESOLVER_ERROR in a GError returned from a GResolver routine.

Since: 2.22

  • G_RESOLVER_ERROR_NOT_FOUND: the requested name/address/service was not found

  • G_RESOLVER_ERROR_TEMPORARY_FAILURE: the requested information could not be looked up due to a network error or similar problem

  • G_RESOLVER_ERROR_INTERNAL: unknown error

enum GResolverRecordType

The type of record that g_resolver_lookup_records() or g_resolver_lookup_records_async() should retrieve. The records are returned as lists of GVariant tuples. Each record type has different values in the variant tuples returned.

G_RESOLVER_RECORD_SRV records are returned as variants with the signature ‘(qqqs)’, containing a guint16 with the priority, a guint16 with the weight, a guint16 with the port, and a string of the hostname.

G_RESOLVER_RECORD_MX records are returned as variants with the signature ‘(qs)’, representing a guint16 with the preference, and a string containing the mail exchanger hostname.

G_RESOLVER_RECORD_TXT records are returned as variants with the signature ‘(as)’, representing an array of the strings in the text record.

G_RESOLVER_RECORD_SOA records are returned as variants with the signature ‘(ssuuuuu)’, representing a string containing the primary name server, a string containing the administrator, the serial as a guint32, the refresh interval as guint32, the retry interval as a guint32, the expire timeout as a guint32, and the ttl as a guint32.

G_RESOLVER_RECORD_NS records are returned as variants with the signature ‘(s)’, representing a string of the hostname of the name server.

Since: 2.34

  • G_RESOLVER_RECORD_SRV: lookup DNS SRV records for a domain

  • G_RESOLVER_RECORD_MX: lookup DNS MX records for a domain

  • G_RESOLVER_RECORD_TXT: lookup DNS TXT records for a name

  • G_RESOLVER_RECORD_SOA: lookup DNS SOA records for a zone

  • G_RESOLVER_RECORD_NS: lookup DNS NS records for a domain

enum GResourceError

An error code used with G_RESOURCE_ERROR in a GError returned from a GResource routine.

Since: 2.32

  • G_RESOURCE_ERROR_NOT_FOUND: no file was found at the requested path

  • G_RESOURCE_ERROR_INTERNAL: unknown error

enum GResourceFlags

GResourceFlags give information about a particular file inside a resource bundle.

Since: 2.32

  • G_RESOURCE_FLAGS_NONE: No flags set.

  • G_RESOURCE_FLAGS_COMPRESSED: The file is compressed.

enum GSocketFamily

The protocol family of a GSocketAddress. (These values are identical to the system defines AF_INET, AF_INET6 and AF_UNIX, if available.)

Since: 2.22

  • G_SOCKET_FAMILY_INVALID: no address family

  • G_SOCKET_FAMILY_IPV4: the IPv4 family

  • G_SOCKET_FAMILY_IPV6: the IPv6 family

  • G_SOCKET_FAMILY_UNIX: the UNIX domain family

enum GSocketType

Flags used when creating a GSocket. Some protocols may not implement all the socket types.

Since: 2.22

  • G_SOCKET_TYPE_INVALID: Type unknown or wrong

  • G_SOCKET_TYPE_STREAM: Reliable connection-based byte streams (e.g. TCP).

  • G_SOCKET_TYPE_DATAGRAM: Connectionless, unreliable datagram passing. (e.g. UDP)

  • G_SOCKET_TYPE_SEQPACKET: Reliable connection-based passing of datagrams of fixed maximum length (e.g. SCTP).

enum GSocketProtocol

A protocol identifier is specified when creating a GSocket, which is a family/type specific identifier, where 0 means the default protocol for the particular family/type.

This enum contains a set of commonly available and used protocols. You can also pass any other identifiers handled by the platform in order to use protocols not listed here.

Since: 2.22

  • G_SOCKET_PROTOCOL_UNKNOWN: The protocol type is unknown

  • G_SOCKET_PROTOCOL_DEFAULT: The default protocol for the family/type




enum GZlibCompressorFormat

Used to select the type of data format to use for GZlibDecompressor and GZlibCompressor.

Since: 2.24

  • G_ZLIB_COMPRESSOR_FORMAT_ZLIB: deflate compression with zlib header

  • G_ZLIB_COMPRESSOR_FORMAT_GZIP: gzip file format

  • G_ZLIB_COMPRESSOR_FORMAT_RAW: deflate compression with no header

enum GUnixSocketAddressType

The type of name used by a GUnixSocketAddress. G_UNIX_SOCKET_ADDRESS_PATH indicates a traditional unix domain socket bound to a filesystem path. G_UNIX_SOCKET_ADDRESS_ANONYMOUS indicates a socket not bound to any name (eg, a client-side socket, or a socket created with socketpair()).

For abstract sockets, there are two incompatible ways of naming them; the man pages suggest using the entire struct sockaddr_un as the name, padding the unused parts of the sun_path field with zeroes; this corresponds to G_UNIX_SOCKET_ADDRESS_ABSTRACT_PADDED. However, many programs instead just use a portion of sun_path, and pass an appropriate smaller length to bind() or connect(). This is G_UNIX_SOCKET_ADDRESS_ABSTRACT.

Since: 2.26



  • G_UNIX_SOCKET_ADDRESS_PATH: a filesystem path

  • G_UNIX_SOCKET_ADDRESS_ABSTRACT: an abstract name

  • G_UNIX_SOCKET_ADDRESS_ABSTRACT_PADDED: an abstract name, 0-padded to the full length of a unix socket name

enum GBusType

An enumeration for well-known message buses.

Since: 2.26

  • G_BUS_TYPE_STARTER: An alias for the message bus that activated the process, if any.

  • G_BUS_TYPE_NONE: Not a message bus.

  • G_BUS_TYPE_SYSTEM: The system-wide message bus.

  • G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION: The login session message bus.

enum GBusNameOwnerFlags

Flags used in g_bus_own_name().

Since: 2.26

  • G_BUS_NAME_OWNER_FLAGS_NONE: No flags set.

  • G_BUS_NAME_OWNER_FLAGS_ALLOW_REPLACEMENT: Allow another message bus connection to claim the name.

  • G_BUS_NAME_OWNER_FLAGS_REPLACE: If another message bus connection owns the name and have specified G_BUS_NAME_OWNER_FLAGS_ALLOW_REPLACEMENT, then take the name from the other connection.

  • G_BUS_NAME_OWNER_FLAGS_DO_NOT_QUEUE: If another message bus connection owns the name, immediately return an error from g_bus_own_name() rather than entering the waiting queue for that name. (Since 2.54)

enum GBusNameWatcherFlags

Flags used in g_bus_watch_name().

Since: 2.26


  • G_BUS_NAME_WATCHER_FLAGS_AUTO_START: If no-one owns the name when beginning to watch the name, ask the bus to launch an owner for the name.

enum GDBusProxyFlags

Flags used when constructing an instance of a GDBusProxy derived class.

Since: 2.26

  • G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_NONE: No flags set.


  • G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_DO_NOT_CONNECT_SIGNALS: Don’t connect to signals on the remote object.

  • G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_DO_NOT_AUTO_START: If the proxy is for a well-known name, do not ask the bus to launch an owner during proxy initialization or a method call. This flag is only meaningful in proxies for well-known names.

  • G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_GET_INVALIDATED_PROPERTIES: If set, the property value for any invalidated property will be (asynchronously) retrieved upon receiving the PropertiesChanged D-Bus signal and the property will not cause emission of the g-properties-changed signal. When the value is received the g-properties-changed signal is emitted for the property along with the retrieved value. Since 2.32.

  • G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_DO_NOT_AUTO_START_AT_CONSTRUCTION: If the proxy is for a well-known name, do not ask the bus to launch an owner during proxy initialization, but allow it to be autostarted by a method call. This flag is only meaningful in proxies for well-known names, and only if G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_DO_NOT_AUTO_START is not also specified.

enum GDBusError

Error codes for the G_DBUS_ERROR error domain.

Since: 2.26

  • G_DBUS_ERROR_FAILED: A generic error; “something went wrong” - see the error message for more.

  • G_DBUS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY: There was not enough memory to complete an operation.

  • G_DBUS_ERROR_SERVICE_UNKNOWN: The bus doesn’t know how to launch a service to supply the bus name you wanted.

  • G_DBUS_ERROR_NAME_HAS_NO_OWNER: The bus name you referenced doesn’t exist (i.e. no application owns it).

  • G_DBUS_ERROR_NO_REPLY: No reply to a message expecting one, usually means a timeout occurred.

  • G_DBUS_ERROR_IO_ERROR: Something went wrong reading or writing to a socket, for example.

  • G_DBUS_ERROR_BAD_ADDRESS: A D-Bus bus address was malformed.

  • G_DBUS_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED: Requested operation isn’t supported (like ENOSYS on UNIX).

  • G_DBUS_ERROR_LIMITS_EXCEEDED: Some limited resource is exhausted.

  • G_DBUS_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED: Security restrictions don’t allow doing what you’re trying to do.

  • G_DBUS_ERROR_AUTH_FAILED: Authentication didn’t work.

  • G_DBUS_ERROR_NO_SERVER: Unable to connect to server (probably caused by ECONNREFUSED on a socket).

  • G_DBUS_ERROR_TIMEOUT: Certain timeout errors, possibly ETIMEDOUT on a socket. Note that G_DBUS_ERROR_NO_REPLY is used for message reply timeouts. Warning: this is confusingly-named given that G_DBUS_ERROR_TIMED_OUT also exists. We can’t fix it for compatibility reasons so just be careful.

  • G_DBUS_ERROR_NO_NETWORK: No network access (probably ENETUNREACH on a socket).

  • G_DBUS_ERROR_ADDRESS_IN_USE: Can’t bind a socket since its address is in use (i.e. EADDRINUSE).

  • G_DBUS_ERROR_DISCONNECTED: The connection is disconnected and you’re trying to use it.

  • G_DBUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS: Invalid arguments passed to a method call.

  • G_DBUS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: Missing file.

  • G_DBUS_ERROR_FILE_EXISTS: Existing file and the operation you’re using does not silently overwrite.

  • G_DBUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_METHOD: Method name you invoked isn’t known by the object you invoked it on.

  • G_DBUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_OBJECT: Object you invoked a method on isn’t known. Since 2.42

  • G_DBUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_INTERFACE: Interface you invoked a method on isn’t known by the object. Since 2.42

  • G_DBUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_PROPERTY: Property you tried to access isn’t known by the object. Since 2.42

  • G_DBUS_ERROR_PROPERTY_READ_ONLY: Property you tried to set is read-only. Since 2.42

  • G_DBUS_ERROR_TIMED_OUT: Certain timeout errors, e.g. while starting a service. Warning: this is confusingly-named given that G_DBUS_ERROR_TIMEOUT also exists. We can’t fix it for compatibility reasons so just be careful.

  • G_DBUS_ERROR_MATCH_RULE_NOT_FOUND: Tried to remove or modify a match rule that didn’t exist.

  • G_DBUS_ERROR_MATCH_RULE_INVALID: The match rule isn’t syntactically valid.

  • G_DBUS_ERROR_SPAWN_EXEC_FAILED: While starting a new process, the exec() call failed.

  • G_DBUS_ERROR_SPAWN_FORK_FAILED: While starting a new process, the fork() call failed.

  • G_DBUS_ERROR_SPAWN_CHILD_EXITED: While starting a new process, the child exited with a status code.

  • G_DBUS_ERROR_SPAWN_CHILD_SIGNALED: While starting a new process, the child exited on a signal.

  • G_DBUS_ERROR_SPAWN_FAILED: While starting a new process, something went wrong.

  • G_DBUS_ERROR_SPAWN_SETUP_FAILED: We failed to setup the environment correctly.

  • G_DBUS_ERROR_SPAWN_CONFIG_INVALID: We failed to setup the config parser correctly.

  • G_DBUS_ERROR_SPAWN_SERVICE_INVALID: Bus name was not valid.

  • G_DBUS_ERROR_SPAWN_SERVICE_NOT_FOUND: Service file not found in system-services directory.

  • G_DBUS_ERROR_SPAWN_PERMISSIONS_INVALID: Permissions are incorrect on the setuid helper.

  • G_DBUS_ERROR_SPAWN_FILE_INVALID: Service file invalid (Name, User or Exec missing).

  • G_DBUS_ERROR_SPAWN_NO_MEMORY: Tried to get a UNIX process ID and it wasn’t available.

  • G_DBUS_ERROR_UNIX_PROCESS_ID_UNKNOWN: Tried to get a UNIX process ID and it wasn’t available.

  • G_DBUS_ERROR_INVALID_SIGNATURE: A type signature is not valid.

  • G_DBUS_ERROR_INVALID_FILE_CONTENT: A file contains invalid syntax or is otherwise broken.

  • G_DBUS_ERROR_SELINUX_SECURITY_CONTEXT_UNKNOWN: Asked for SELinux security context and it wasn’t available.

  • G_DBUS_ERROR_ADT_AUDIT_DATA_UNKNOWN: Asked for ADT audit data and it wasn’t available.

  • G_DBUS_ERROR_OBJECT_PATH_IN_USE: There’s already an object with the requested object path.

enum GDBusConnectionFlags

Flags used when creating a new GDBusConnection.

Since: 2.26


  • G_DBUS_CONNECTION_FLAGS_AUTHENTICATION_CLIENT: Perform authentication against server.

  • G_DBUS_CONNECTION_FLAGS_AUTHENTICATION_SERVER: Perform authentication against client.

  • G_DBUS_CONNECTION_FLAGS_AUTHENTICATION_ALLOW_ANONYMOUS: When authenticating as a server, allow the anonymous authentication method.

  • G_DBUS_CONNECTION_FLAGS_MESSAGE_BUS_CONNECTION: Pass this flag if connecting to a peer that is a message bus. This means that the Hello() method will be invoked as part of the connection setup.

  • G_DBUS_CONNECTION_FLAGS_DELAY_MESSAGE_PROCESSING: If set, processing of D-Bus messages is delayed until g_dbus_connection_start_message_processing() is called.

enum GDBusCapabilityFlags

Capabilities negotiated with the remote peer.

Since: 2.26


  • G_DBUS_CAPABILITY_FLAGS_UNIX_FD_PASSING: The connection supports exchanging UNIX file descriptors with the remote peer.

enum GDBusCallFlags

Flags used in g_dbus_connection_call() and similar APIs.

Since: 2.26

  • G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE: No flags set.

  • G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NO_AUTO_START: The bus must not launch an owner for the destination name in response to this method invocation.

  • G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_ALLOW_INTERACTIVE_AUTHORIZATION: the caller is prepared to wait for interactive authorization. Since 2.46.

enum GDBusMessageType

Message types used in GDBusMessage.

Since: 2.26

  • G_DBUS_MESSAGE_TYPE_INVALID: Message is of invalid type.




  • G_DBUS_MESSAGE_TYPE_SIGNAL: Signal emission.

enum GDBusMessageFlags

Message flags used in GDBusMessage.

Since: 2.26

  • G_DBUS_MESSAGE_FLAGS_NONE: No flags set.

  • G_DBUS_MESSAGE_FLAGS_NO_REPLY_EXPECTED: A reply is not expected.

  • G_DBUS_MESSAGE_FLAGS_NO_AUTO_START: The bus must not launch an owner for the destination name in response to this message.

  • G_DBUS_MESSAGE_FLAGS_ALLOW_INTERACTIVE_AUTHORIZATION: If set on a method call, this flag means that the caller is prepared to wait for interactive authorization. Since 2.46.

enum GDBusMessageHeaderField

Header fields used in GDBusMessage.

Since: 2.26

  • G_DBUS_MESSAGE_HEADER_FIELD_INVALID: Not a valid header field.



  • G_DBUS_MESSAGE_HEADER_FIELD_MEMBER: The method or signal name.

  • G_DBUS_MESSAGE_HEADER_FIELD_ERROR_NAME: The name of the error that occurred.

  • G_DBUS_MESSAGE_HEADER_FIELD_REPLY_SERIAL: The serial number the message is a reply to.

  • G_DBUS_MESSAGE_HEADER_FIELD_DESTINATION: The name the message is intended for.

  • G_DBUS_MESSAGE_HEADER_FIELD_SENDER: Unique name of the sender of the message (filled in by the bus).

  • G_DBUS_MESSAGE_HEADER_FIELD_SIGNATURE: The signature of the message body.

  • G_DBUS_MESSAGE_HEADER_FIELD_NUM_UNIX_FDS: The number of UNIX file descriptors that accompany the message.

enum GDBusPropertyInfoFlags

Flags describing the access control of a D-Bus property.

Since: 2.26


  • G_DBUS_PROPERTY_INFO_FLAGS_READABLE: Property is readable.

  • G_DBUS_PROPERTY_INFO_FLAGS_WRITABLE: Property is writable.

enum GDBusSubtreeFlags

Flags passed to g_dbus_connection_register_subtree().

Since: 2.26

  • G_DBUS_SUBTREE_FLAGS_NONE: No flags set.

  • G_DBUS_SUBTREE_FLAGS_DISPATCH_TO_UNENUMERATED_NODES: Method calls to objects not in the enumerated range will still be dispatched. This is useful if you want to dynamically spawn objects in the subtree.

enum GDBusServerFlags

Flags used when creating a GDBusServer.

Since: 2.26

  • G_DBUS_SERVER_FLAGS_NONE: No flags set.

  • G_DBUS_SERVER_FLAGS_RUN_IN_THREAD: All new-connection signals will run in separated dedicated threads (see signal for details).

  • G_DBUS_SERVER_FLAGS_AUTHENTICATION_ALLOW_ANONYMOUS: Allow the anonymous authentication method.

enum GDBusSendMessageFlags

Flags used when sending GDBusMessages on a GDBusConnection.

Since: 2.26


  • G_DBUS_SEND_MESSAGE_FLAGS_PRESERVE_SERIAL: Do not automatically assign a serial number from the GDBusConnection object when sending a message.

enum GCredentialsType

Enumeration describing different kinds of native credential types.

Since: 2.26

  • G_CREDENTIALS_TYPE_INVALID: Indicates an invalid native credential type.

  • G_CREDENTIALS_TYPE_LINUX_UCRED: The native credentials type is a struct ucred.

  • G_CREDENTIALS_TYPE_FREEBSD_CMSGCRED: The native credentials type is a struct cmsgcred.

  • G_CREDENTIALS_TYPE_OPENBSD_SOCKPEERCRED: The native credentials type is a struct sockpeercred. Added in 2.30.

  • G_CREDENTIALS_TYPE_SOLARIS_UCRED: The native credentials type is a ucred_t. Added in 2.40.

  • G_CREDENTIALS_TYPE_NETBSD_UNPCBID: The native credentials type is a struct unpcbid.

enum GDBusMessageByteOrder

Enumeration used to describe the byte order of a D-Bus message.

Since: 2.26

  • G_DBUS_MESSAGE_BYTE_ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN: The byte order is big endian.

  • G_DBUS_MESSAGE_BYTE_ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN: The byte order is little endian.

enum GApplicationFlags

Flags used to define the behaviour of a GApplication.

Since: 2.28


  • G_APPLICATION_IS_SERVICE: Run as a service. In this mode, registration fails if the service is already running, and the application will initially wait up to 10 seconds for an initial activation message to arrive.

  • G_APPLICATION_IS_LAUNCHER: Don’t try to become the primary instance.

  • G_APPLICATION_HANDLES_OPEN: This application handles opening files (in the primary instance). Note that this flag only affects the default implementation of local_command_line(), and has no effect if G_APPLICATION_HANDLES_COMMAND_LINE is given. See g_application_run() for details.

  • G_APPLICATION_HANDLES_COMMAND_LINE: This application handles command line arguments (in the primary instance). Note that this flag only affect the default implementation of local_command_line(). See g_application_run() for details.

  • G_APPLICATION_SEND_ENVIRONMENT: Send the environment of the launching process to the primary instance. Set this flag if your application is expected to behave differently depending on certain environment variables. For instance, an editor might be expected to use the GIT_COMMITTER_NAME environment variable when editing a git commit message. The environment is available to the command-line signal handler, via g_application_command_line_getenv().

  • G_APPLICATION_NON_UNIQUE: Make no attempts to do any of the typical single-instance application negotiation, even if the application ID is given. The application neither attempts to become the owner of the application ID nor does it check if an existing owner already exists. Everything occurs in the local process. Since: 2.30.

  • G_APPLICATION_CAN_OVERRIDE_APP_ID: Allow users to override the application ID from the command line with --gapplication-app-id. Since: 2.48

enum GTlsError

An error code used with G_TLS_ERROR in a GError returned from a TLS-related routine.

Since: 2.28

  • G_TLS_ERROR_UNAVAILABLE: No TLS provider is available

  • G_TLS_ERROR_MISC: Miscellaneous TLS error

  • G_TLS_ERROR_BAD_CERTIFICATE: A certificate could not be parsed

  • G_TLS_ERROR_NOT_TLS: The TLS handshake failed because the peer does not seem to be a TLS server.

  • G_TLS_ERROR_HANDSHAKE: The TLS handshake failed because the peer’s certificate was not acceptable.

  • G_TLS_ERROR_CERTIFICATE_REQUIRED: The TLS handshake failed because the server requested a client-side certificate, but none was provided. See g_tls_connection_set_certificate().

  • G_TLS_ERROR_EOF: The TLS connection was closed without proper notice, which may indicate an attack. See g_tls_connection_set_require_close_notify().

enum GTlsCertificateFlags

A set of flags describing TLS certification validation. This can be used to set which validation steps to perform (eg, with g_tls_client_connection_set_validation_flags()), or to describe why a particular certificate was rejected (eg, in accept-certificate).

Since: 2.28

  • G_TLS_CERTIFICATE_UNKNOWN_CA: The signing certificate authority is not known.

  • G_TLS_CERTIFICATE_BAD_IDENTITY: The certificate does not match the expected identity of the site that it was retrieved from.

  • G_TLS_CERTIFICATE_NOT_ACTIVATED: The certificate’s activation time is still in the future

  • G_TLS_CERTIFICATE_EXPIRED: The certificate has expired

  • G_TLS_CERTIFICATE_REVOKED: The certificate has been revoked according to the GTlsConnection’s certificate revocation list.

  • G_TLS_CERTIFICATE_INSECURE: The certificate’s algorithm is considered insecure.

  • G_TLS_CERTIFICATE_GENERIC_ERROR: Some other error occurred validating the certificate

  • G_TLS_CERTIFICATE_VALIDATE_ALL: the combination of all of the above flags

enum GTlsAuthenticationMode

The client authentication mode for a GTlsServerConnection.

Since: 2.28

  • G_TLS_AUTHENTICATION_NONE: client authentication not required

  • G_TLS_AUTHENTICATION_REQUESTED: client authentication is requested

  • G_TLS_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED: client authentication is required

enum GTlsRehandshakeMode

When to allow rehandshaking. See g_tls_connection_set_rehandshake_mode().

Since: 2.28

  • G_TLS_REHANDSHAKE_NEVER: Never allow rehandshaking

  • G_TLS_REHANDSHAKE_SAFELY: Allow safe rehandshaking only

  • G_TLS_REHANDSHAKE_UNSAFELY: Allow unsafe rehandshaking

enum GTlsInteractionResult

GTlsInteractionResult is returned by various functions in GTlsInteraction when finishing an interaction request.

Since: 2.30

  • G_TLS_INTERACTION_UNHANDLED: The interaction was unhandled (i.e. not implemented).

  • G_TLS_INTERACTION_HANDLED: The interaction completed, and resulting data is available.

  • G_TLS_INTERACTION_FAILED: The interaction has failed, or was cancelled. and the operation should be aborted.

enum GDBusInterfaceSkeletonFlags

Flags describing the behavior of a GDBusInterfaceSkeleton instance.

Since: 2.30


  • G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON_FLAGS_HANDLE_METHOD_INVOCATIONS_IN_THREAD: Each method invocation is handled in a thread dedicated to the invocation. This means that the method implementation can use blocking IO without blocking any other part of the process. It also means that the method implementation must use locking to access data structures used by other threads.

enum GDBusObjectManagerClientFlags

Flags used when constructing a GDBusObjectManagerClient.

Since: 2.30


  • G_DBUS_OBJECT_MANAGER_CLIENT_FLAGS_DO_NOT_AUTO_START: If not set and the manager is for a well-known name, then request the bus to launch an owner for the name if no-one owns the name. This flag can only be used in managers for well-known names.

enum GTlsDatabaseLookupFlags

Flags for g_tls_database_lookup_certificate_for_handle(), g_tls_database_lookup_certificate_issuer(), and g_tls_database_lookup_certificates_issued_by().

Since: 2.30

  • G_TLS_DATABASE_LOOKUP_NONE: No lookup flags

  • G_TLS_DATABASE_LOOKUP_KEYPAIR: Restrict lookup to certificates that have a private key.

enum GTlsCertificateRequestFlags

Flags for g_tls_interaction_request_certificate(), g_tls_interaction_request_certificate_async(), and g_tls_interaction_invoke_request_certificate().

Since: 2.40


enum GIOModuleScopeFlags

Flags for use with g_io_module_scope_new().

Since: 2.30

  • G_IO_MODULE_SCOPE_NONE: No module scan flags

  • G_IO_MODULE_SCOPE_BLOCK_DUPLICATES: When using this scope to load or scan modules, automatically block a modules which has the same base basename as previously loaded module.

enum GSocketClientEvent

Describes an event occurring on a GSocketClient. See the event signal for more details.

Additional values may be added to this type in the future.

Since: 2.32

  • G_SOCKET_CLIENT_RESOLVING: The client is doing a DNS lookup.

  • G_SOCKET_CLIENT_RESOLVED: The client has completed a DNS lookup.

  • G_SOCKET_CLIENT_CONNECTING: The client is connecting to a remote host (either a proxy or the destination server).

  • G_SOCKET_CLIENT_CONNECTED: The client has connected to a remote host.

  • G_SOCKET_CLIENT_PROXY_NEGOTIATING: The client is negotiating with a proxy to connect to the destination server.

  • G_SOCKET_CLIENT_PROXY_NEGOTIATED: The client has negotiated with the proxy server.

  • G_SOCKET_CLIENT_TLS_HANDSHAKING: The client is performing a TLS handshake.

  • G_SOCKET_CLIENT_TLS_HANDSHAKED: The client has performed a TLS handshake.

  • G_SOCKET_CLIENT_COMPLETE: The client is done with a particular GSocketConnectable.

enum GSocketListenerEvent

Describes an event occurring on a GSocketListener. See the event signal for more details.

Additional values may be added to this type in the future.

Since: 2.46

  • G_SOCKET_LISTENER_BINDING: The listener is about to bind a socket.

  • G_SOCKET_LISTENER_BOUND: The listener has bound a socket.

  • G_SOCKET_LISTENER_LISTENING: The listener is about to start listening on this socket.

  • G_SOCKET_LISTENER_LISTENED: The listener is now listening on this socket.

enum GSubprocessFlags

Flags to define the behaviour of a GSubprocess.

Note that the default for stdin is to redirect from /dev/null. For stdout and stderr the default are for them to inherit the corresponding descriptor from the calling process.

Note that it is a programmer error to mix ‘incompatible’ flags. For example, you may not request both G_SUBPROCESS_FLAGS_STDOUT_PIPE and G_SUBPROCESS_FLAGS_STDOUT_SILENCE.

Since: 2.40


  • G_SUBPROCESS_FLAGS_STDIN_PIPE: create a pipe for the stdin of the spawned process that can be accessed with g_subprocess_get_stdin_pipe().

  • G_SUBPROCESS_FLAGS_STDIN_INHERIT: stdin is inherited from the calling process.

  • G_SUBPROCESS_FLAGS_STDOUT_PIPE: create a pipe for the stdout of the spawned process that can be accessed with g_subprocess_get_stdout_pipe().

  • G_SUBPROCESS_FLAGS_STDOUT_SILENCE: silence the stdout of the spawned process (ie: redirect to /dev/null).

  • G_SUBPROCESS_FLAGS_STDERR_PIPE: create a pipe for the stderr of the spawned process that can be accessed with g_subprocess_get_stderr_pipe().

  • G_SUBPROCESS_FLAGS_STDERR_SILENCE: silence the stderr of the spawned process (ie: redirect to /dev/null).

  • G_SUBPROCESS_FLAGS_STDERR_MERGE: merge the stderr of the spawned process with whatever the stdout happens to be. This is a good way of directing both streams to a common log file, for example.

  • G_SUBPROCESS_FLAGS_INHERIT_FDS: spawned processes will inherit the file descriptors of their parent, unless those descriptors have been explicitly marked as close-on-exec. This flag has no effect over the “standard” file descriptors (stdin, stdout, stderr).

enum GNotificationPriority

Priority levels for GNotifications.

Since: 2.42

  • G_NOTIFICATION_PRIORITY_LOW: for notifications that do not require immediate attention - typically used for contextual background information, such as contact birthdays or local weather

  • G_NOTIFICATION_PRIORITY_NORMAL: the default priority, to be used for the majority of notifications (for example email messages, software updates, completed download/sync operations)

  • G_NOTIFICATION_PRIORITY_HIGH: for events that require more attention, usually because responses are time-sensitive (for example chat and SMS messages or alarms)

  • G_NOTIFICATION_PRIORITY_URGENT: for urgent notifications, or notifications that require a response in a short space of time (for example phone calls or emergency warnings)

enum GNetworkConnectivity

The host’s network connectivity state, as reported by GNetworkMonitor.

Since: 2.44

  • G_NETWORK_CONNECTIVITY_LOCAL: The host is not configured with a route to the Internet; it may or may not be connected to a local network.

  • G_NETWORK_CONNECTIVITY_LIMITED: The host is connected to a network, but does not appear to be able to reach the full Internet, perhaps due to upstream network problems.

  • G_NETWORK_CONNECTIVITY_PORTAL: The host is behind a captive portal and cannot reach the full Internet.

  • G_NETWORK_CONNECTIVITY_FULL: The host is connected to a network, and appears to be able to reach the full Internet.

enum GResourceLookupFlags

GResourceLookupFlags determine how resource path lookups are handled.