Interfacing Raku to Gnome GTK+


A simple Gnome::Gio::Action implementation


A Gnome::Gio::SimpleAction is the obvious simple implementation of the Gnome::Gio::Action interface. This is the easiest way to create an action for purposes of adding it to a Gnome::Gio::SimpleActionGroup.

See also Gnome::Gio::Action.



unit class Gnome::Gio::SimpleAction;
also is Gnome::GObject::Object;
also does Gnome::Gio::Action;

Uml Diagram



:name, :parameter-type

Create a new stateless SimpleAction object.

multi method new ( Str :$name!, N-GObject() :$parameter-type? )
  • $name; the name of the action

  • $parameter_type; the type of parameter that will be passed to handlers for the activate signal. The $parameter_type is a native Gnome::Glib::Variant object.

:name, :state, :parameter-type

Create a new stateful SimpleAction object. All future state values must have the same type as the initial $state variant object.

multi method new (
  Str :$name!, N-GObject() :$state!, N-GObject() :$parameter_type?
  • $name; the name of the action

  • $parameter_type; the type of the parameter that will be passed to handlers for the activate signal. The $parameter_type is a native Gnome::Glib::VariantType object.

  • $state; the initial state value of the action. The state is a native Gnome::Glib::Variant object.


Create a SimpleAction object using a native object from elsewhere. See also Gnome::GObject::Object.

multi method new ( N-GObject() :$native-object! )


Sets the action as enabled or not.

An action must be enabled in order to be activated or in order to have its state changed from outside callers.

This should only be called by the implementor of the action. Users of the action should not attempt to modify its enabled flag.

method set-enabled ( Bool $enabled )
  • $enabled; whether the action is enabled


Sets the state of the action.

This directly updates the ‘state’ property to the given value.

This should only be called by the implementor of the action. Users of the action should not attempt to directly modify the ‘state’ property. Instead, they should call Gnome::Gio::Action.change-state() to request the change.

method set-state ( N-GObject() $value )
  • $value; the new value for the state. The state is a native Gnome::Glib::Variant object.


Sets the state hint for the action.

See Gnome::Gio::Action.get_state_hint() for more information about action state hints.

method set-state-hint ( N-GObject() $state_hint )
  • $state_hint; a native Gnome::Gio::Variant representing the state hint, may be an undefined value.



Indicates that the action was just activated.

$parameter will always be of the expected type, i.e. the parameter type specified when the action was created. If an incorrect type is given when activating the action, this signal is not emitted.

If no handler is connected to this signal then the default behaviour for boolean-stated actions with an undefined parameter type is to toggle them via the change-state signal.

For stateful actions where the state type is equal to the parameter type, the default is to forward them directly to change-state. This should allow almost all users of Gnome::Gio::SimpleAction to connect only one handler or the other.

method handler (
  N-GObject $parameter,
  Gnome::Gio::SimpleAction :_widget($simple),
  Int :$_handler-id,
  N-GObject :$_native-object,
  • $parameter; a native Gnome::Gio::Variant, the parameter to the activation, or undefined if it has no parameter

  • $simple; The instance which registered the signal

  • $_handler-id; The handler id which is returned from the registration

  • $_native-object; The native object provided by the caller wrapped in the Raku object.

  • %user-options; A list of named arguments provided at the register-signal() method


Indicates that the action just received a request to change its state.

value will always be of the correct state type, i.e. the type of the initial state passed to a new(:state, …). If an incorrect type is given when requesting to change the state, this signal is not emitted.

If no handler is connected to this signal then the default behaviour is to call set-state() to set the state to the requested value. If you connect a signal handler then no default action is taken. If the state should change then you must call set-state() from the handler.

method handler (
  N-GObject $parameter,
  Gnome::Gio::SimpleAction :_widget($simple),
  Int :$_handler-id,
  N-GObject :$_native-object,
  • $value; a native Gnome::Gio::Variant, the requested value for the state, or undefined if it has no parameter

  • $simple; The instance which registered the signal

  • $_handler-id; The handler id which is returned from the registration

  • $_native-object; The native object provided by the caller wrapped in the Raku object.

  • %user-options; A list of named arguments provided at the register-signal() method



If the action can be activated

  • Gnome::GObject::Value type of this property is G_TYPE_BOOLEAN

  • Parameter is readable and writable.

  • Default value is TRUE.


The name used to invoke the action

  • Gnome::GObject::Value type of this property is G_TYPE_STRING

  • Parameter is readable and writable.

  • Parameter is set on construction of object.

  • Default value is undefined.


The type of GVariant passed to activate()

  • Gnome::GObject::Value type of this property is G_TYPE_BOXED

  • The type of this G_TYPE_BOXED object is G_TYPE_VARIANT_TYPE

  • Parameter is readable and writable.

  • Parameter is set on construction of object.


The state the action is in

  • Gnome::GObject::Value type of this property is G_TYPE_VARIANT

  • Parameter is readable and writable.

  • Parameter is set on construction of object.

  • Default value is undefined.


The type of the state kept by the action

  • Gnome::GObject::Value type of this property is G_TYPE_BOXED

  • The type of this G_TYPE_BOXED object is G_TYPE_VARIANT_TYPE

  • Parameter is readable.