Interfacing Raku to Gnome GTK+


A frame that constrains its child to a particular aspect ratio


The Gnome::Gtk3::AspectFrame is useful when you want pack a widget so that it can resize but always retains the same aspect ratio. For instance, one might be drawing a small preview of a larger image. Gnome::Gtk3::AspectFrame derives from Gnome::Gtk3::Frame, so it can draw a label and a frame around the child. The frame will be “shrink-wrapped” to the size of the child.

Css Nodes

Gnome::Gtk3::AspectFrame uses a CSS node with name frame.



unit class Gnome::Gtk3::AspectFrame;
also is Gnome::Gtk3::Frame;

Uml Diagram



:label, :xalign, :yalign, :ratio, :obey-child

Create a new AspectFrame with all bells and wistles.

multi method new (
  Str :$label!, Num :$xalign = 0.0e0, Num :$yalign = 0.0e0,
  Num :$ratio = 1.0e0, Bool :$obey-child?
  • $label; Label text.

  • $xalign; Horizontal alignment of the child within the allocation of the Gnome::Gtk3::AspectFrame. This ranges from 0.0 (left aligned) to 1.0 (right aligned). By default set to 0.0.

  • $yalign; Vertical alignment of the child within the allocation of the Gnome::Gtk3::AspectFrame. This ranges from 0.0 (top aligned) to 1.0 (bottom aligned). By default set to 0.0.

  • $ratio; The desired aspect ratio. By default set to 1.0.

  • $obey_child; If True, ratio is ignored, and the aspect ratio is taken from the requistion of the child. By default set to False if $ratio is defined or True if it isn’t.


Create an object using a native object from elsewhere. See also Gnome::N::TopLevelSupportClass.

multi method new ( N-GObject :$native-object! )


Create an object using a native object from a builder. See also Gnome::GObject::Object.

multi method new ( Str :$build-id! )


Set parameters for an existing Gnome::Gtk3::AspectFrame.

method set (
  Num $xalign, Num $yalign, Num $ratio, Int $obey_child
  • $xalign; Horizontal alignment of the child within the allocation of the Gnome::Gtk3::AspectFrame. This ranges from 0.0 (left aligned) to 1.0 (right aligned)

  • $yalign; Vertical alignment of the child within the allocation of the Gnome::Gtk3::AspectFrame. This ranges from 0.0 (top aligned) to 1.0 (bottom aligned)

  • $ratio; The desired aspect ratio.

  • $obey_child; If 1, ratio is ignored, and the aspect ratio is taken from the requistion of the child.



Force aspect ratio to match that of the frame’s child

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property obey-child is G_TYPE_BOOLEAN.

  • Parameter is readable and writable.

  • Default value is TRUE.


Aspect ratio if obey_child is FALSE

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property ratio is G_TYPE_FLOAT.

  • Parameter is readable and writable.

  • Minimum value is MIN_RATIO.

  • Maximum value is MAX_RATIO.

  • Default value is 1.0.


X alignment of the child

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property xalign is G_TYPE_FLOAT.

  • Parameter is readable and writable.

  • Minimum value is 0.0.

  • Maximum value is 1.0.

  • Default value is 0.5.


Y alignment of the child

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property yalign is G_TYPE_FLOAT.

  • Parameter is readable and writable.

  • Minimum value is 0.0.

  • Maximum value is 1.0.

  • Default value is 0.5.