Interfacing Raku to Gnome GTK+


Defines a part of a CSS document


Defines a part of a CSS document. Because sections are nested into one another, you can use get-parent() to get the containing region.



unit class Gnome::Gtk3::CssSection;
also is Gnome::GObject::Boxed;


my Gnome::Gtk3::CssProvider $css-provider .= new;

my Gnome::Gtk3::StyleContext $context .= new;
$context.add-provider-for-screen(, $css-provider, GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_USER

my Gnome::Gtk3::CssSection $section .= new(


enum GtkCssSectionType

The different types of sections indicate parts of a CSS document as parsed by GTK’s CSS parser. They are oriented towards the CSS Grammar, but may contain extensions.

More types might be added in the future as the parser incorporates more features.

  • GTK-CSS-SECTION-DOCUMENT: The section describes a complete document. This section time is the only one where get-parent() might return undefined.

  • GTK-CSS-SECTION-IMPORT: The section defines an import rule.

  • GTK-CSS-SECTION-COLOR-DEFINITION: The section defines a color. This is a GTK extension to CSS.

  • GTK-CSS-SECTION-BINDING-SET: The section defines a binding set. This is a GTK extension to CSS.

  • GTK-CSS-SECTION-RULESET: The section defines a CSS ruleset.

  • GTK-CSS-SECTION-SELECTOR: The section defines a CSS selector.

  • GTK-CSS-SECTION-DECLARATION: The section defines the declaration of a CSS variable.

  • GTK-CSS-SECTION-VALUE: The section defines the value of a CSS declaration.

  • GTK-CSS-SECTION-KEYFRAMES: The section defines keyframes. See CSS Animations for details.




Create a CssSection object using a native object from elsewhere. See also Gnome::N::TopLevelClassSupport.

multi method new ( N-GObject :$native-object! )


Returns the line in the CSS document where this section end. The line number is 0-indexed, so the first line of the document will return 0. This value may change in future invocations of this function if section is not yet parsed completely. This will for example happen in the GtkCssProvider::parsing-error signal. The end position and line may be identical to the start position and line for sections which failed to parse anything successfully.

Returns: the line number

method get-end-line ( --> UInt )


Returns the offset in bytes from the start of the current line returned via get-end-line(). This value may change in future invocations of this function if section is not yet parsed completely. This will for example happen in the GtkCssProvider::parsing-error signal. The end position and line may be identical to the start position and line for sections which failed to parse anything successfully.

Returns: the offset in bytes from the start of the line.

method get-end-position ( --> UInt )


Gets the file that section was parsed from. If no such file exists, for example because the CSS was loaded via gtk-css-provider-load-from-data(), then undefined is returned.

Returns: the native Gnome::Gtk3::File that section was parsed from or undefined if section was parsed from other data

method get-file ( --> N-GObject )


Gets the parent section for the given section. The parent section is the section that contains this section. A special case are sections of type GTK-CSS-SECTION-DOCUMENT. Their parent will either be undefined if they are the original CSS document that was loaded by Gnome::Gtk3::CssProvider.load-from-file() or a section of type GTK-CSS-SECTION-IMPORT if it was loaded with an import rule from a different file.

Returns: the parent section or undefined if none

method get-parent ( --> N-GObject )


Gets the type of information that section describes.

Returns: the type of section

method get-section-type ( --> GtkCssSectionType )


Returns the line in the CSS document where this section starts. The line number is 0-indexed, so the first line of the document will return 0.

Returns: the line number

method get-start-line ( --> UInt )


Returns the offset in bytes from the start of the current line returned via get-start-line().

Returns: the offset in bytes from the start of the line.

method get-start-position ( --> UInt )