Interfacing Raku to Gnome GTK+


A box with a centered child


GtkHeaderBar is similar to a horizontal Gnome::Gtk3::Box. It allows children to be placed at the start or the end. In addition, it allows a title and subtitle to be displayed. The title will be centered with respect to the width of the box, even if the children at either side take up different amounts of space. The height of the titlebar will be set to provide sufficient space for the subtitle, even if none is currently set. If a subtitle is not needed, the space reservation can be turned off with set-has-subtitle().

GtkHeaderBar can add typical window frame controls, such as minimize, maximize and close buttons, or the window icon.

For these reasons, GtkHeaderBar is the natural choice for use as the custom titlebar widget of a Gnome::Gtk3::Window (see gtk-window-set-titlebar()), as it gives features typical of titlebars while allowing the addition of child widgets.

See Also

Gnome::Gtk3::Box, Gnome::Gtk3::ActionBar



unit class Gnome::Gtk3::HeaderBar;
also is Gnome::Gtk3::Container;

Uml Diagram

Inheriting this class

Inheriting is done in a special way in that it needs a call from new() to get the native object created by the class you are inheriting from.

use Gnome::Gtk3::HeaderBar;

unit class MyGuiClass;
also is Gnome::Gtk3::HeaderBar;

submethod new ( |c ) {
  # let the Gnome::Gtk3::HeaderBar class process the options
  self.bless( :GtkHeaderBar, |c);

submethod BUILD ( ... ) {



default, no options

Create a new HeaderBar object.

multi method new ( )


Create a HeaderBar object using a native object from elsewhere. See also Gnome::N::TopLevelClassSupport.

multi method new ( N-GObject :$native-object! )


Create a HeaderBar object using a native object returned from a builder. See also Gnome::GObject::Object.

multi method new ( Str :$build-id! )

get-custom-title, get-custom-title-rk

Retrieves the custom title widget of the header. See set-custom-title().

Returns: the custom title widget of the header, or undefined if none has been set explicitly.

method get-custom-title ( --> N-GObject )
method get-custom-title-rk ( --> Gnome::Gtk3::Widget )


Gets the decoration layout set with set-decoration-layout().

Returns: the decoration layout

method get-decoration-layout ( --> Str )


Retrieves whether the header bar reserves space for a subtitle, regardless if one is currently set or not.

Returns: True if the header bar reserves space for a subtitle

method get-has-subtitle ( --> Bool )


Returns whether this header bar shows the standard window decorations.

Returns: True if the decorations are shown

method get-show-close-button ( --> Bool )


Retrieves the subtitle of the header. See set-subtitle().

Returns: the subtitle of the header, or undefined if none has been set explicitly. The returned string is owned by the widget and must not be modified or freed.

method get-subtitle ( --> Str )


Retrieves the title of the header. See set-title().

Returns: the title of the header, or undefined if none has been set explicitly. The returned string is owned by the widget and must not be modified or freed.

method get-title ( --> Str )


Adds child to bar, packed with reference to the end of the bar.

method pack-end ( N-GObject $child )
  • N-GObject $child; the Gnome::Gtk3::Widget to be added to bar


Adds child to bar, packed with reference to the start of the bar.

method pack-start ( N-GObject $child )
  • N-GObject $child; the Gnome::Gtk3::Widget to be added to bar


Sets a custom title for the Gnome::Gtk3::HeaderBar.

The title should help a user identify the current view. This supersedes any title set by set-title() or gtk-header-bar-set-subtitle(). To achieve the same style as the builtin title and subtitle, use the “title” and “subtitle” style classes.

You should set the custom title to undefined, for the header title label to be visible again.

method set-custom-title ( N-GObject $title_widget )
  • N-GObject $title_widget; a custom widget to use for a title


Sets the decoration layout for this header bar, overriding the gtk-decoration-layout setting.

There can be valid reasons for overriding the setting, such as a header bar design that does not allow for buttons to take room on the right, or only offers room for a single close button. Split header bars are another example for overriding the setting.

The format of the string is button names, separated by commas. A colon separates the buttons that should appear on the left from those on the right. Recognized button names are minimize, maximize, close, icon (the window icon) and menu (a menu button for the fallback app menu).

For example, “menu:minimize,maximize,close” specifies a menu on the left, and minimize, maximize and close buttons on the right.

method set-decoration-layout ( Str $layout )
  • Str $layout; a decoration layout, or undefined to unset the layout


Sets whether the header bar should reserve space for a subtitle, even if none is currently set.

method set-has-subtitle ( Bool $setting )
  • Bool $setting; True to reserve space for a subtitle


Sets whether this header bar shows the standard window decorations, including close, maximize, and minimize.

method set-show-close-button ( Bool $setting )
  • Bool $setting; True to show standard window decorations


Sets the subtitle of the Gnome::Gtk3::HeaderBar. The title should give a user an additional detail to help him identify the current view.

Note that GtkHeaderBar by default reserves room for the subtitle, even if none is currently set. If this is not desired, set the has-subtitle property to False.

method set-subtitle ( Str $subtitle )
  • Str $subtitle; a subtitle, or undefined


Sets the title of the Gnome::Gtk3::HeaderBar. The title should help a user identify the current view. A good title should not include the application name.

method set-title ( Str $title )
  • Str $title; a title, or undefined


An example of using a string type property of a Gnome::Gtk3::Label object. This is just showing how to set/read a property, not that it is the best way to do it. This is because a) The class initialization often provides some options to set some of the properties and b) the classes provide many methods to modify just those properties. In the case below one can use new(:label(‘my text label’)) or .set-text(‘my text label’).

my Gnome::Gtk3::Label $label .= new;
my Gnome::GObject::Value $gv .= new(:init(G_TYPE_STRING));
$label.get-property( 'label', $gv);
$gv.set-string('my text label');

Supported properties

Custom Title: custom-title

Custom title widget to display Widget type: GTK-TYPE-WIDGET

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property custom-title is G_TYPE_OBJECT.

Decoration Layout: decoration-layout

The decoration layout for buttons. If this property is not set, the gtk-decoration-layout setting is used.

See set-decoration-layout() for information about the format of this string.

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property decoration-layout is G_TYPE_STRING.

Decoration Layout Set: decoration-layout-set

Set to True if decoration-layout is set.

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property decoration-layout-set is G_TYPE_BOOLEAN.

Has Subtitle: has-subtitle

If True, reserve space for a subtitle, even if none is currently set.

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property has-subtitle is G_TYPE_BOOLEAN.

Show decorations: show-close-button

Whether to show window decorations.

Which buttons are actually shown and where, is determined by the decoration-layout property, and by the state of the window (e.g. a close button will not be shown if the window can’t be closed).

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property show-close-button is G_TYPE_BOOLEAN.

Spacing: spacing

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property spacing is G_TYPE_INT.

Subtitle: subtitle

The subtitle to display Default value: Any

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property subtitle is G_TYPE_STRING.

Title: title

The title to display Default value: Any

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property title is G_TYPE_STRING.