Interfacing Raku to Gnome GTK+


An object for rendering a single cell


The Gnome::Gtk3::CellRenderer is a base class of a set of objects used for rendering a cell to a cairo_t. These objects are used primarily by the Gnome::Gtk3::TreeView widget, though they aren’t tied to them in any specific way. It is worth noting that Gnome::Gtk3::CellRenderer is not a Gnome::Gtk3::Widget and cannot be treated as such.

The primary use of a Gnome::Gtk3::CellRenderer is for drawing certain graphical elements on a cairo_t. Typically, one cell renderer is used to draw many cells on the screen. To this extent, it isn’t expected that a CellRenderer keeps any permanent state around. Instead, any state is set just prior to use using GObjects property system. Then, the cell is measured using gtk_cell_renderer_get_size(). Finally, the cell is rendered in the correct location using gtk_cell_renderer_render().

Many properties of Gnome::Gtk3::CellRenderer and its subclasses have a corresponding “set” property, e.g. “cell-background-set” corresponds to “cell-background”. These “set” properties reflect whether a property has been set or not. You should not set them independently.

See Also

Gnome::Gtk3::CellRendererText, Gnome::Gtk3::CellRendererPixbuf, Gnome::Gtk3::CellRendererToggle, Gnome::Gtk3::CellRendererProgress, Gnome::Gtk3::CellRendererSpinner



unit class Gnome::Gtk3::CellRenderer;
also is Gnome::GObject::InitiallyUnowned;

Uml Diagram


enum GtkCellRendererMode

Identifies how the user can interact with a particular cell.

  • GTK_CELL_RENDERER_MODE_INERT: The cell is just for display and cannot be interacted with. Note that this doesn’t mean that eg. the row being drawn can’t be selected – just that a particular element of it cannot be individually modified.

  • GTK_CELL_RENDERER_MODE_ACTIVATABLE: The cell can be clicked.

  • GTK_CELL_RENDERER_MODE_EDITABLE: The cell can be edited or otherwise modified.

enum GtkCellRendererState

Tells how a cell is to be rendered.

  • GTK_CELL_RENDERER_SELECTED: The cell is currently selected, and probably has a selection colored background to render to.

  • GTK_CELL_RENDERER_PRELIT: The mouse is hovering over the cell.

  • GTK_CELL_RENDERER_INSENSITIVE: The cell is drawn in an insensitive manner

  • GTK_CELL_RENDERER_SORTED: The cell is in a sorted row

  • GTK_CELL_RENDERER_FOCUSED: The cell is in the focus row.

  • GTK_CELL_RENDERER_EXPANDABLE: The cell is in a row that can be expanded.

  • GTK_CELL_RENDERER_EXPANDED: The cell is in a row that is expanded.


A N-GtkRequisition represents the desired size of a widget. See GtkWidget’s geometry management section for more information.

  • Int width; the widget’s desired width

  • Int height; the widget’s desired height




Create a CellRenderer object using a native object from elsewhere. See also Gnome::N::TopLevelClassSupport.

multi method new ( N-GObject :$native-object! )


Passes an activate event to the cell renderer for possible processing. Some cell renderers may use events; for example, Gnome::Gtk3::CellRendererToggle toggles when it gets a mouse click.

Returns: True if the event was consumed/handled

method activate ( N-GdkEvent $event, N-GObject() $widget, Str $path, N-GObject() $background_area, N-GObject() $cell_area, GtkCellRendererState $flags --> Bool )
  • $event; a Gnome::Gtk3::Event

  • $widget; widget that received the event

  • $path; widget-dependent string representation of the event location; e.g. for Gnome::Gtk3::TreeView, a string representation of Gnome::Gtk3::TreePath

  • $background_area; background area as passed to render()

  • $cell_area; cell area as passed to render()

  • $flags; render flags


Gets the aligned area used by cell inside cell_area. Used for finding the appropriate edit and focus rectangle.

method get-aligned-area ( N-GObject() $widget, UInt $flags, N-GObject() $cell_area, N-GObject() $aligned_area )
  • $widget; the Gnome::Gtk3::Widget this cell will be rendering to

  • $flags; render flags. Mask of bits from GtkCellRendererState

  • $cell_area; cell area which would be passed to render()

  • $aligned_area; the return location for the space inside cell_area that would acually be used to render.


Fills in xalign and yalign with the appropriate values of cell.

method get-alignment ( --> List )

List returns

  • Num; the x alignment of the cell, or undefined

  • Num; the y alignment of the cell, or undefined


Fills in width and height with the appropriate size of cell.

method get-fixed-size ( --> List )

List returns

  • Int; the fixed width of the cell, or undefined

  • Int; the fixed height of the cell, or undefined


Fills in xpad and ypad with the appropriate values of cell.

method get-padding ( --> List )

List returns

  • Int; the x padding of the cell, or undefined

  • Int; the y padding of the cell, or undefined


Retreives a renderer’s natural size when rendered to widget.

method get-preferred-height ( N-GObject() $widget --> List )
  • $widget; the Gnome::Gtk3::Widget this cell will be rendering to

List returns

  • Int; the minimum size, or undefined

  • Int; the natural size, or undefined


Retreives a cell renderers’s minimum and natural height if it were rendered to widget with the specified width.

method get-preferred-height-for-width (
  N-GObject() $widget, Int() $width --> List
  • $widget; the Gnome::Gtk3::Widget this cell will be rendering to

  • $width; the size which is available for allocation

List returns

  • Int; the minimum size, or undefined

  • Int; the preferred size, or undefined


Retrieves the minimum and natural size of a cell taking into account the widget’s preference for height-for-width management.

method get-preferred-size ( N-GObject() $widget --> List )
  • $widget; the Gnome::Gtk3::Widget this cell will be rendering to

List returns

  • N-GtkRequisition; the minimum size, or undefined

  • N-GtkRequisition; the natural size, or undefined


Retreives a renderer’s natural size when rendered to widget.

method get-preferred-width ( N-GObject() $widget --> List )
  • $widget; the Gnome::Gtk3::Widget this cell will be rendering to

List returns

  • Int; the minimum size, or undefined

  • Int; the natural size, or undefined


Retreives a cell renderers’s minimum and natural width if it were rendered to widget with the specified height.

method get-preferred-width-for-height (
  N-GObject() $widget, Int() $height --> List
  • $widget; the Gnome::Gtk3::Widget this cell will be rendering to

  • $height; the size which is available for allocation

List returns

  • $minimum_width; location for storing the minimum size, or undefined

  • $natural_width; location for storing the preferred size, or undefined


Gets whether the cell renderer prefers a height-for-width layout or a width-for-height layout.

Returns: The enum GtkSizeRequestMode preferred by this renderer.

method get-request-mode ( --> GtkSizeRequestMode )


Returns the cell renderer’s sensitivity.

Returns: True if the cell renderer is sensitive

method get-sensitive ( --> Bool )


Translates the cell renderer state to a mask of GtkStateFlags, based on the cell renderer and widget sensitivity, and the given Gnome::Gtk3::CellRendererState.

Returns: the widget state flags applying to cell

method get-state (
  N-GObject() $widget, GtkCellRendererState $cell_state
  --> UInt
  • $widget; a Gnome::Gtk3::Widget, or undefined

  • $cell_state; cell renderer state


Returns the cell renderer’s visibility.

Returns: True if the cell renderer is visible

method get-visible ( --> Bool )


Checks whether the cell renderer can do something when activated.

Returns: True if the cell renderer can do anything when activated

method is-activatable ( --> Bool )


Invokes the virtual render function of the Gnome::Gtk3::CellRenderer. The three passed-in rectangles are areas in cr. Most renderers will draw within cell_area; the xalign, yalign, xpad, and ypad fields of the Gnome::Gtk3::CellRenderer should be honored with respect to cell_area. background_area includes the blank space around the cell, and also the area containing the tree expander; so the background_area rectangles for all cells tile to cover the entire window.

method render (
  cairo_t $cr, N-GObject() $widget, N-GObject() $background_area,
  N-GObject() $cell_area, GtkCellRendererState $flags
  • $cr; a cairo context to draw to

  • $widget; the widget owning window

  • $background_area; entire cell area (including tree expanders and maybe padding on the sides)

  • $cell_area; area normally rendered by a cell renderer

  • $flags; flags that affect rendering


Sets the renderer’s alignment within its available space.

method set-alignment ( Num() $xalign, Num() $yalign )
  • $xalign; the x alignment of the cell renderer

  • $yalign; the y alignment of the cell renderer


Sets the renderer size to be explicit, independent of the properties set.

method set-fixed-size ( Int() $width, Int() $height )
  • $width; the width of the cell renderer, or -1

  • $height; the height of the cell renderer, or -1


Sets the renderer’s padding.

method set-padding ( Int() $xpad, Int() $ypad )
  • $xpad; the x padding of the cell renderer

  • $ypad; the y padding of the cell renderer


Sets the cell renderer’s sensitivity.

method set-sensitive ( Bool $sensitive )
  • $sensitive; the sensitivity of the cell


Sets the cell renderer’s visibility.

method set-visible ( Bool $visible )
  • $visible; the visibility of the cell


Starts editing the contents of this cell, through a new Gnome::Gtk3::CellEditable widget created by the Gnome::Gtk3::CellRendererClass.start_editing virtual function.

Returns: A new Gnome::Gtk3::CellEditable for editing this cell, or undefined if editing is not possible

method start-editing (
  N-GdkEvent $event, N-GObject() $widget, Str $path,
  N-GObject() $background_area, N-GObject() $cell_area,
  GtkCellRendererState $flags
  --> N-GObject
  • $event; a Gnome::Gtk3::Event

  • $widget; widget that received the event

  • $path; widget-dependent string representation of the event location; e.g. for Gnome::Gtk3::TreeView, a string representation of Gnome::Gtk3::TreePath

  • $background_area; background area as passed to render()

  • $cell_area; cell area as passed to render()

  • $flags; render flags


Informs the cell renderer that the editing is stopped. If canceled is True, the cell renderer will emit the editing-canceled signal.

This function should be called by cell renderer implementations in response to the editing-done signal of Gnome::Gtk3::CellEditable.

method stop-editing ( Bool $canceled )
  • $canceled; True if the editing has been canceled



This signal gets emitted when the user cancels the process of editing a cell. For example, an editable cell renderer could be written to cancel editing when the user presses Escape.

See also: stop_editing().

method handler (
  Gnome::Gtk3::CellRenderer :_widget($renderer),
  Int :$_handler-id,
  N-GObject :$_native-object,
  • $renderer; The instance which registered the signal

  • $_handler-id; The handler id which is returned from the registration

  • $_native-object; The native object provided by the caller wrapped in the Raku object.

  • %user-options; A list of named arguments provided at the register-signal() method


This signal gets emitted when a cell starts to be edited. The intended use of this signal is to do special setup on editable, e.g. adding a Gnome::Gtk3::EntryCompletion or setting up additional columns in a Gnome::Gtk3::ComboBox.

See gtk_cell_editable_start_editing() for information on the lifecycle of the editable and a way to do setup that doesn’t depend on the renderer.

method handler (
  N-GObject $editable,
  Str $path,
  Gnome::Gtk3::CellRenderer :_widget($renderer),
  Int :$_handler-id,
  N-GObject :$_native-object,
  • $editable; the Gnome::Gtk3::CellEditable

  • $path; the path identifying the edited cell

  • $renderer; The instance which registered the signal

  • $_handler-id; The handler id which is returned from the registration

  • $_native-object; The native object provided by the caller wrapped in the Raku object.

  • %user-options; A list of named arguments provided at the register-signal() method



Cell background color as a string

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property cell-background is G_TYPE_STRING.

  • Parameter is writable.

  • Default value is undefined.


Cell background color as a GdkRGBA

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property cell-background-rgba is G_TYPE_BOXED.


Whether the cell renderer is currently in editing mode

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property editing is G_TYPE_BOOLEAN.

  • Parameter is readable.

  • Default value is FALSE.


The fixed height

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property height is G_TYPE_INT.

  • Parameter is readable and writable.

  • Minimum value is -1.

  • Maximum value is G_MAXINT.

  • Default value is -1.


Row is an expander row, and is expanded

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property is-expanded is G_TYPE_BOOLEAN.

  • Parameter is readable and writable.

  • Default value is FALSE.


Row has children

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property is-expander is G_TYPE_BOOLEAN.

  • Parameter is readable and writable.

  • Default value is FALSE.


Editable mode of the CellRenderer

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property mode is G_TYPE_ENUM.

  • Parameter is readable and writable.

  • Default value is GTK_CELL_RENDERER_MODE_INERT.


Display the cell sensitive

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property sensitive is G_TYPE_BOOLEAN.

  • Parameter is readable and writable.

  • Default value is TRUE.


Display the cell

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property visible is G_TYPE_BOOLEAN.

  • Parameter is readable and writable.

  • Default value is TRUE.


The fixed width

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property width is G_TYPE_INT.

  • Parameter is readable and writable.

  • Minimum value is -1.

  • Maximum value is G_MAXINT.

  • Default value is -1.


The x-align

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property xalign is G_TYPE_FLOAT.

  • Parameter is readable and writable.

  • Minimum value is 0.0.

  • Maximum value is 1.0.

  • Default value is 0.5.


The xpad

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property xpad is G_TYPE_UINT.

  • Parameter is readable and writable.

  • Minimum value is 0.

  • Maximum value is G_MAXUINT.

  • Default value is 0.


The y-align

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property yalign is G_TYPE_FLOAT.

  • Parameter is readable and writable.

  • Minimum value is 0.0.

  • Maximum value is 1.0.

  • Default value is 0.5.


The ypad

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property ypad is G_TYPE_UINT.

  • Parameter is readable and writable.

  • Minimum value is 0.

  • Maximum value is G_MAXUINT.

  • Default value is 0.