Interfacing Raku to Gnome GTK+


Widget that displays a Gnome::Gtk3::TextBuffer


You may wish to begin by reading the text widget conceptual overview which gives an overview of all the objects and data types related to the text widget and how they work together.

Css Nodes

├── border.left
├── text
│   ╰── [selection]
├── border.right
├── border.bottom
╰── [window.popup]

Gnome::Gtk3::TextView has a main css node with name textview and style class .view, and subnodes for each of the border windows, and the main text area, with names border and text, respectively. The border nodes each get one of the style classes .left, .right, .top or .bottom.

A node representing the selection will appear below the text node.

If a context menu is opened, the window node will appear as a subnode of the main node.

See Also

Gnome::Gtk3::TextBuffer, Gnome::Gtk3::TextIter



unit class Gnome::Gtk3::TextView;
also is Gnome::Gtk3::Container;
also does Gnome::Gtk3::Scrollable;


enum GtkTextWindowType

Used to reference the parts of Gnome::Gtk3::TextView.

  • GTK_TEXT_WINDOW_PRIVATE: Invalid value, used as a marker

  • GTK_TEXT_WINDOW_WIDGET: Window that floats over scrolling areas.

  • GTK_TEXT_WINDOW_TEXT: Scrollable text window.

  • GTK_TEXT_WINDOW_LEFT: Left side border window.

  • GTK_TEXT_WINDOW_RIGHT: Right side border window.

  • GTK_TEXT_WINDOW_TOP: Top border window.

  • GTK_TEXT_WINDOW_BOTTOM: Bottom border window.

enum GtkTextViewLayer

Used to reference the layers of Gnome::Gtk3::TextView for the purpose of customized drawing with the sig draw_layer vfunc.

  • GTK_TEXT_VIEW_LAYER_BELOW: Old deprecated layer, use GTK_TEXT_VIEW_LAYER_BELOW_TEXT instead

  • GTK_TEXT_VIEW_LAYER_ABOVE: Old deprecated layer, use GTK_TEXT_VIEW_LAYER_ABOVE_TEXT instead

  • GTK_TEXT_VIEW_LAYER_BELOW_TEXT: The layer rendered below the text (but above the background). Since: 3.20

  • GTK_TEXT_VIEW_LAYER_ABOVE_TEXT: The layer rendered above the text. Since: 3.20

enum GtkTextExtendSelection

Granularity types that extend the text selection. Use the sig extend-selection signal to customize the selection.

Since: 3.16

  • GTK_TEXT_EXTEND_SELECTION_WORD: Selects the current word. It is triggered by a double-click for example.

  • GTK_TEXT_EXTEND_SELECTION_LINE: Selects the current line. It is triggered by a triple-click for example.



Create a new plain object.

multi method new ( )

Create an object using a native object from elsewhere. See also Gnome::GObject::Object.

multi method new ( N-GObject :$native-object! )

Create an object using a native object from a builder. See also Gnome::GObject::Object.

multi method new ( Str :$build-id! )

[gtk_] text_view_new

Creates a new Gnome::Gtk3::TextView. If you don’t call gtk_text_view_set_buffer() before using the text view, an empty default buffer will be created for you. Get the buffer with gtk_text_view_get_buffer(). If you want to specify your own buffer, consider gtk_text_view_new_with_buffer().

Returns: a new Gnome::Gtk3::TextView

method gtk_text_view_new ( --> N-GObject  )

[[gtk_] text_view_] new_with_buffer

Creates a new Gnome::Gtk3::TextView widget displaying the buffer buffer. One buffer can be shared among many widgets. buffer may be Any to create a default buffer, in which case this function is equivalent to gtk_text_view_new(). The text view adds its own reference count to the buffer; it does not take over an existing reference.

Returns: a new Gnome::Gtk3::TextView.

method gtk_text_view_new_with_buffer ( N-GObject $buffer --> N-GObject  )
  • N-GObject $buffer; a Gnome::Gtk3::TextBuffer

[[gtk_] text_view_] set_buffer

Sets buffer as the buffer being displayed by text_view. The previous buffer displayed by the text view is unreferenced, and a reference is added to buffer. If you owned a reference to buffer before passing it to this function, you must remove that reference yourself; Gnome::Gtk3::TextView will not “adopt” it.

method gtk_text_view_set_buffer ( N-GObject $buffer )
  • N-GObject $buffer; (allow-none): a Gnome::Gtk3::TextBuffer

[[gtk_] text_view_] get_buffer

Returns the Gnome::Gtk3::TextBuffer being displayed by this text view. The reference count on the buffer is not incremented; the caller of this function won’t own a new reference.

Returns: (transfer none): a Gnome::Gtk3::TextBuffer

method gtk_text_view_get_buffer ( --> N-GObject  )

[[gtk_] text_view_] scroll_to_iter

Scrolls text_view so that iter is on the screen in the position indicated by xalign and yalign. An alignment of 0.0 indicates left or top, 1.0 indicates right or bottom, 0.5 means center. If use_align is 0, the text scrolls the minimal distance to get the mark onscreen, possibly not scrolling at all. The effective screen for purposes of this function is reduced by a margin of size within_margin.

Note that this function uses the currently-computed height of the lines in the text buffer. Line heights are computed in an idle handler; so this function may not have the desired effect if it’s called before the height computations. To avoid oddness, consider using gtk_text_view_scroll_to_mark() which saves a point to be scrolled to after line validation.

Returns: 1 if scrolling occurred

method gtk_text_view_scroll_to_iter ( N-GObject $iter, Num $within_margin, Int $use_align, Num $xalign, Num $yalign --> Int  )
  • N-GObject $iter; a Gnome::Gtk3::TextIter

  • Num $within_margin; margin as a [0.0,0.5) fraction of screen size

  • Int $use_align; whether to use alignment arguments (if 0, just get the mark onscreen)

  • Num $xalign; horizontal alignment of mark within visible area

  • Num $yalign; vertical alignment of mark within visible area

[[gtk_] text_view_] scroll_to_mark

Scrolls text_view so that mark is on the screen in the position indicated by xalign and yalign. An alignment of 0.0 indicates left or top, 1.0 indicates right or bottom, 0.5 means center. If use_align is 0, the text scrolls the minimal distance to get the mark onscreen, possibly not scrolling at all. The effective screen for purposes of this function is reduced by a margin of size within_margin.

method gtk_text_view_scroll_to_mark ( N-GObject $mark, Num $within_margin, Int $use_align, Num $xalign, Num $yalign )
  • N-GObject $mark; a Gnome::Gtk3::TextMark

  • Num $within_margin; margin as a [0.0,0.5) fraction of screen size

  • Int $use_align; whether to use alignment arguments (if 0, just get the mark onscreen)

  • Num $xalign; horizontal alignment of mark within visible area

  • Num $yalign; vertical alignment of mark within visible area

[[gtk_] text_view_] scroll_mark_onscreen

Scrolls text_view the minimum distance such that mark is contained within the visible area of the widget.

method gtk_text_view_scroll_mark_onscreen ( N-GObject $mark )
  • N-GObject $mark; a mark in the buffer for text_view

[[gtk_] text_view_] move_mark_onscreen

Moves a mark within the buffer so that it’s located within the currently-visible text area.

Returns: 1 if the mark moved (wasn’t already onscreen)

method gtk_text_view_move_mark_onscreen ( N-GObject $mark --> Int  )
  • N-GObject $mark; a Gnome::Gtk3::TextMark

[[gtk_] text_view_] place_cursor_onscreen

Moves the cursor to the currently visible region of the buffer, it it isn’t there already.

Returns: 1 if the cursor had to be moved.

method gtk_text_view_place_cursor_onscreen ( --> Int  )

[[gtk_] text_view_] get_visible_rect

Fills visible_rect with the currently-visible region of the buffer, in buffer coordinates. Convert to window coordinates with gtk_text_view_buffer_to_window_coords().

method gtk_text_view_get_visible_rect ( N-GObject $visible_rect )
  • N-GObject $visible_rect; (out): rectangle to fill

[[gtk_] text_view_] set_cursor_visible

Toggles whether the insertion point should be displayed. A buffer with no editable text probably shouldn’t have a visible cursor, so you may want to turn the cursor off.

Note that this property may be overridden by the gtk-keynave-use-caret settings.

method gtk_text_view_set_cursor_visible ( Int $setting )
  • Int $setting; whether to show the insertion cursor

[[gtk_] text_view_] get_cursor_visible

Find out whether the cursor should be displayed.

Returns: whether the insertion mark is visible

method gtk_text_view_get_cursor_visible ( --> Int  )

Ensures that the cursor is shown (i.e. not in an ‘off’ blink interval) and resets the time that it will stay blinking (or visible, in case blinking is disabled).

This function should be called in response to user input (e.g. from derived classes that override the textview’s key-press-event handler).

Since: 3.20

method gtk_text_view_reset_cursor_blink ( )

[[gtk_] text_view_] get_cursor_locations

Given an iter within a text layout, determine the positions of the strong and weak cursors if the insertion point is at that iterator. The position of each cursor is stored as a zero-width rectangle. The strong cursor location is the location where characters of the directionality equal to the base direction of the paragraph are inserted. The weak cursor location is the location where characters of the directionality opposite to the base direction of the paragraph are inserted.

If iter is Any, the actual cursor position is used.

Note that if iter happens to be the actual cursor position, and there is currently an IM preedit sequence being entered, the returned locations will be adjusted to account for the preedit cursor’s offset within the preedit sequence.

The rectangle position is in buffer coordinates; use gtk_text_view_buffer_to_window_coords() to convert these coordinates to coordinates for one of the windows in the text view.

Since: 3.0

method gtk_text_view_get_cursor_locations ( N-GObject $iter, N-GObject $strong, N-GObject $weak )
  • N-GObject $iter; (allow-none): a Gnome::Gtk3::TextIter

  • N-GObject $strong; (out) (allow-none): location to store the strong cursor position (may be Any)

  • N-GObject $weak; (out) (allow-none): location to store the weak cursor position (may be Any)

[[gtk_] text_view_] get_iter_location

Gets a rectangle which roughly contains the character at iter. The rectangle position is in buffer coordinates; use gtk_text_view_buffer_to_window_coords() to convert these coordinates to coordinates for one of the windows in the text view.

method gtk_text_view_get_iter_location ( N-GObject $iter, N-GObject $location )
  • N-GObject $iter; a Gnome::Gtk3::TextIter

  • N-GObject $location; (out): bounds of the character at iter

[[gtk_] text_view_] get_iter_at_location

Retrieves the iterator at buffer coordinates x and y. Buffer coordinates are coordinates for the entire buffer, not just the currently-displayed portion. If you have coordinates from an event, you have to convert those to buffer coordinates with gtk_text_view_window_to_buffer_coords().

Returns: 1 if the position is over text

method gtk_text_view_get_iter_at_location ( N-GObject $iter, Int $x, Int $y --> Int  )
  • N-GObject $iter; (out): a Gnome::Gtk3::TextIter

  • Int $x; x position, in buffer coordinates

  • Int $y; y position, in buffer coordinates

[[gtk_] text_view_] get_iter_at_position

Retrieves the iterator pointing to the character at buffer coordinates x and y. Buffer coordinates are coordinates for the entire buffer, not just the currently-displayed portion. If you have coordinates from an event, you have to convert those to buffer coordinates with gtk_text_view_window_to_buffer_coords().

Note that this is different from gtk_text_view_get_iter_at_location(), which returns cursor locations, i.e. positions between characters.

Returns: 1 if the position is over text

Since: 2.6

method gtk_text_view_get_iter_at_position ( N-GObject $iter, Int $trailing, Int $x, Int $y --> Int  )
  • N-GObject $iter; (out): a Gnome::Gtk3::TextIter

  • Int $trailing; (out) (allow-none): if non-Any, location to store an integer indicating where in the grapheme the user clicked. It will either be zero, or the number of characters in the grapheme. 0 represents the trailing edge of the grapheme.

  • Int $x; x position, in buffer coordinates

  • Int $y; y position, in buffer coordinates

[[gtk_] text_view_] get_line_yrange

Gets the y coordinate of the top of the line containing iter, and the height of the line. The coordinate is a buffer coordinate; convert to window coordinates with gtk_text_view_buffer_to_window_coords().

method gtk_text_view_get_line_yrange ( N-GObject $iter, Int $y, Int $height )
  • N-GObject $iter; a Gnome::Gtk3::TextIter

  • Int $y; (out): return location for a y coordinate

  • Int $height; (out): return location for a height

[[gtk_] text_view_] get_line_at_y

Gets the Gnome::Gtk3::TextIter at the start of the line containing the coordinate y. y is in buffer coordinates, convert from window coordinates with gtk_text_view_window_to_buffer_coords(). If non-Any, line_top will be filled with the coordinate of the top edge of the line.

method gtk_text_view_get_line_at_y ( N-GObject $target_iter, Int $y, Int $line_top )
  • N-GObject $target_iter; (out): a Gnome::Gtk3::TextIter

  • Int $y; a y coordinate

  • Int $line_top; (out): return location for top coordinate of the line

[[gtk_] text_view_] buffer_to_window_coords

Converts coordinate (buffer_x, buffer_y) to coordinates for the window win, and stores the result in (window_x, window_y).

Note that you can’t convert coordinates for a nonexisting window (see gtk_text_view_set_border_window_size()).

method gtk_text_view_buffer_to_window_coords ( GtkTextWindowType $win, Int $buffer_x, Int $buffer_y, Int $window_x, Int $window_y )
  • GtkTextWindowType $win; a Gnome::Gtk3::TextWindowType except GTK_TEXT_WINDOW_PRIVATE

  • Int $buffer_x; buffer x coordinate

  • Int $buffer_y; buffer y coordinate

  • Int $window_x; (out) (allow-none): window x coordinate return location or Any

  • Int $window_y; (out) (allow-none): window y coordinate return location or Any

[[gtk_] text_view_] window_to_buffer_coords

Converts coordinates on the window identified by win to buffer coordinates, storing the result in (buffer_x,buffer_y).

Note that you can’t convert coordinates for a nonexisting window (see gtk_text_view_set_border_window_size()).

method gtk_text_view_window_to_buffer_coords ( GtkTextWindowType $win, Int $window_x, Int $window_y, Int $buffer_x, Int $buffer_y )
  • GtkTextWindowType $win; a Gnome::Gtk3::TextWindowType except GTK_TEXT_WINDOW_PRIVATE

  • Int $window_x; window x coordinate

  • Int $window_y; window y coordinate

  • Int $buffer_x; (out) (allow-none): buffer x coordinate return location or Any

  • Int $buffer_y; (out) (allow-none): buffer y coordinate return location or Any

[[gtk_] text_view_] get_window

Retrieves the Gnome::Gdk3::Window corresponding to an area of the text view; possible windows include the overall widget window, child windows on the left, right, top, bottom, and the window that displays the text buffer. Windows are Any and nonexistent if their width or height is 0, and are nonexistent before the widget has been realized.

Returns: (nullable) (transfer none): a Gnome::Gdk3::Window, or Any

method gtk_text_view_get_window ( GtkTextWindowType $win --> N-GObject  )
  • GtkTextWindowType $win; window to get

[[gtk_] text_view_] get_window_type

Usually used to find out which window an event corresponds to. If you connect to an event signal on text_view, this function should be called on event->window to see which window it was.

Returns: the window type.

method gtk_text_view_get_window_type ( N-GObject $window --> GtkTextWindowType  )
  • N-GObject $window; a window type

[[gtk_] text_view_] set_border_window_size

Sets the width of GTK_TEXT_WINDOW_LEFT or GTK_TEXT_WINDOW_RIGHT, or the height of GTK_TEXT_WINDOW_TOP or GTK_TEXT_WINDOW_BOTTOM. Automatically destroys the corresponding window if the size is set to 0, and creates the window if the size is set to non-zero. This function can only be used for the “border windows,” it doesn’t work with GTK_TEXT_WINDOW_WIDGET, GTK_TEXT_WINDOW_TEXT, or GTK_TEXT_WINDOW_PRIVATE.

method gtk_text_view_set_border_window_size ( GtkTextWindowType $type, Int $size )
  • GtkTextWindowType $type; window to affect

  • Int $size; width or height of the window

[[gtk_] text_view_] get_border_window_size

Gets the width of the specified border window. See gtk_text_view_set_border_window_size().

Returns: width of window

method gtk_text_view_get_border_window_size ( GtkTextWindowType $type --> Int  )
  • GtkTextWindowType $type; window to return size from

[[gtk_] text_view_] forward_display_line

Moves the given iter forward by one display (wrapped) line. A display line is different from a paragraph. Paragraphs are separated by newlines or other paragraph separator characters. Display lines are created by line-wrapping a paragraph. If wrapping is turned off, display lines and paragraphs will be the same. Display lines are divided differently for each view, since they depend on the view’s width; paragraphs are the same in all views, since they depend on the contents of the Gnome::Gtk3::TextBuffer.

Returns: 1 if iter was moved and is not on the end iterator

method gtk_text_view_forward_display_line ( N-GObject $iter --> Int  )
  • N-GObject $iter; a Gnome::Gtk3::TextIter

[[gtk_] text_view_] backward_display_line

Moves the given iter backward by one display (wrapped) line. A display line is different from a paragraph. Paragraphs are separated by newlines or other paragraph separator characters. Display lines are created by line-wrapping a paragraph. If wrapping is turned off, display lines and paragraphs will be the same. Display lines are divided differently for each view, since they depend on the view’s width; paragraphs are the same in all views, since they depend on the contents of the Gnome::Gtk3::TextBuffer.

Returns: 1 if iter was moved and is not on the end iterator

method gtk_text_view_backward_display_line ( N-GObject $iter --> Int  )
  • N-GObject $iter; a Gnome::Gtk3::TextIter

[[gtk_] text_view_] forward_display_line_end

Moves the given iter forward to the next display line end. A display line is different from a paragraph. Paragraphs are separated by newlines or other paragraph separator characters. Display lines are created by line-wrapping a paragraph. If wrapping is turned off, display lines and paragraphs will be the same. Display lines are divided differently for each view, since they depend on the view’s width; paragraphs are the same in all views, since they depend on the contents of the Gnome::Gtk3::TextBuffer.

Returns: 1 if iter was moved and is not on the end iterator

method gtk_text_view_forward_display_line_end ( N-GObject $iter --> Int  )
  • N-GObject $iter; a Gnome::Gtk3::TextIter

[[gtk_] text_view_] backward_display_line_start

Moves the given iter backward to the next display line start. A display line is different from a paragraph. Paragraphs are separated by newlines or other paragraph separator characters. Display lines are created by line-wrapping a paragraph. If wrapping is turned off, display lines and paragraphs will be the same. Display lines are divided differently for each view, since they depend on the view’s width; paragraphs are the same in all views, since they depend on the contents of the Gnome::Gtk3::TextBuffer.

Returns: 1 if iter was moved and is not on the end iterator

method gtk_text_view_backward_display_line_start ( N-GObject $iter --> Int  )
  • N-GObject $iter; a Gnome::Gtk3::TextIter

[[gtk_] text_view_] starts_display_line

Determines whether iter is at the start of a display line. See gtk_text_view_forward_display_line() for an explanation of display lines vs. paragraphs.

Returns: 1 if iter begins a wrapped line

method gtk_text_view_starts_display_line ( N-GObject $iter --> Int  )
  • N-GObject $iter; a Gnome::Gtk3::TextIter

[[gtk_] text_view_] move_visually

Move the iterator a given number of characters visually, treating it as the strong cursor position. If count is positive, then the new strong cursor position will be count positions to the right of the old cursor position. If count is negative then the new strong cursor position will be count positions to the left of the old cursor position.

In the presence of bi-directional text, the correspondence between logical and visual order will depend on the direction of the current run, and there may be jumps when the cursor is moved off of the end of a run.

Returns: 1 if iter moved and is not on the end iterator

method gtk_text_view_move_visually ( N-GObject $iter, Int $count --> Int  )
  • N-GObject $iter; a Gnome::Gtk3::TextIter

  • Int $count; number of characters to move (negative moves left, positive moves right)

[[gtk_] text_view_] im_context_filter_keypress

Allow the Gnome::Gtk3::TextView input method to internally handle key press and release events. If this function returns 1, then no further processing should be done for this key event. See gtk_im_context_filter_keypress().

Note that you are expected to call this function from your handler when overriding key event handling. This is needed in the case when you need to insert your own key handling between the input method and the default key event handling of the Gnome::Gtk3::TextView.

[ static gboolean gtk_foo_bar_key_press_event (Gnome::Gtk3::Widget *widget, Gnome::Gdk3::EventKey *event) { if ((key->keyval == GDK_KEY_Return   key->keyval == GDK_KEY_KP_Enter)) { if (gtk_text_view_im_context_filter_keypress (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view), event)) return TRUE; }

// Do some stuff

return GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (gtk_foo_bar_parent_class)->key_press_event (widget, event); } ]

Returns: 1 if the input method handled the key event.

Since: 2.22

method gtk_text_view_im_context_filter_keypress ( N-GdkEventKey $event --> Int  )
  • N-GdkEventKey $event; the key event

[[gtk_] text_view_] reset_im_context

Reset the input method context of the text view if needed.

This can be necessary in the case where modifying the buffer would confuse on-going input method behavior.

Since: 2.22

method gtk_text_view_reset_im_context ( )

[[gtk_] text_view_] add_child_in_window

Adds a child at fixed coordinates in one of the text widget’s windows.

The window must have nonzero size (see gtk_text_view_set_border_window_size()). Note that the child coordinates are given relative to scrolling. When placing a child in GTK_TEXT_WINDOW_WIDGET, scrolling is irrelevant, the child floats above all scrollable areas. But when placing a child in one of the scrollable windows (border windows or text window) it will move with the scrolling as needed.

method gtk_text_view_add_child_in_window (
  N-GObject $child, GtkTextWindowType $which_window, Int $xpos, Int $ypos
  • N-GObject $child; a Gnome::Gtk3::Widget

  • GtkTextWindowType $which_window; which window the child should appear in

  • Int $xpos; X position of child in window coordinates

  • Int $ypos; Y position of child in window coordinates

[[gtk_] text_view_] move_child

Updates the position of a child, as for gtk_text_view_add_child_in_window().

method gtk_text_view_move_child ( N-GObject $child,  Int $xpos, Int $ypos )
  • N-GObject $child; child widget already added to the text view

  • Int $xpos; new X position in window coordinates

  • Int $ypos; new Y position in window coordinates

[[gtk_] text_view_] set_wrap_mode

Sets the line wrapping for the view.

method gtk_text_view_set_wrap_mode ( GtkWrapMode $wrap_mode )
  • GtkWrapMode $wrap_mode; a Gnome::Gtk3::WrapMode

[[gtk_] text_view_] get_wrap_mode

Gets the line wrapping for the view.

Returns: the line wrap setting

method gtk_text_view_get_wrap_mode ( --> GtkWrapMode  )

[[gtk_] text_view_] set_editable

Sets the default editability of the Gnome::Gtk3::TextView. You can override this default setting with tags in the buffer, using the “editable” attribute of tags.

method gtk_text_view_set_editable ( Int $setting )
  • Int $setting; whether it’s editable

[[gtk_] text_view_] get_editable

Returns the default editability of the Gnome::Gtk3::TextView. Tags in the buffer may override this setting for some ranges of text.

Returns: whether text is editable by default

method gtk_text_view_get_editable ( --> Int  )

[[gtk_] text_view_] set_overwrite

Changes the Gnome::Gtk3::TextView overwrite mode.

Since: 2.4

method gtk_text_view_set_overwrite ( Int $overwrite )
  • Int $overwrite; 1 to turn on overwrite mode, 0 to turn it off

[[gtk_] text_view_] get_overwrite

Returns whether the Gnome::Gtk3::TextView is in overwrite mode or not.

Returns: whether text_view is in overwrite mode or not.

Since: 2.4

method gtk_text_view_get_overwrite ( --> Int  )

[[gtk_] text_view_] set_accepts_tab

Sets the behavior of the text widget when the Tab key is pressed. If accepts_tab is 1, a tab character is inserted. If accepts_tab is 0 the keyboard focus is moved to the next widget in the focus chain.

Since: 2.4

method gtk_text_view_set_accepts_tab ( Int $accepts_tab )
  • Int $accepts_tab; 1 if pressing the Tab key should insert a tab character, 0, if pressing the Tab key should move the keyboard focus.

[[gtk_] text_view_] get_accepts_tab

Returns whether pressing the Tab key inserts a tab characters. gtk_text_view_set_accepts_tab().

Returns: 1 if pressing the Tab key inserts a tab character, 0 if pressing the Tab key moves the keyboard focus.

Since: 2.4

method gtk_text_view_get_accepts_tab ( --> Int  )

[[gtk_] text_view_] set_pixels_above_lines

Sets the default number of blank pixels above paragraphs in text_view. Tags in the buffer for text_view may override the defaults.

method gtk_text_view_set_pixels_above_lines ( Int $pixels_above_lines )
  • Int $pixels_above_lines; pixels above paragraphs

[[gtk_] text_view_] get_pixels_above_lines

Gets the default number of pixels to put above paragraphs. Adding this function with gtk_text_view_get_pixels_below_lines() is equal to the line space between each paragraph.

Returns: default number of pixels above paragraphs

method gtk_text_view_get_pixels_above_lines ( --> Int  )

[[gtk_] text_view_] set_pixels_below_lines

Sets the default number of pixels of blank space to put below paragraphs in text_view. May be overridden by tags applied to text_view’s buffer.

method gtk_text_view_set_pixels_below_lines ( Int $pixels_below_lines )
  • Int $pixels_below_lines; pixels below paragraphs

[[gtk_] text_view_] get_pixels_below_lines

Gets the value set by gtk_text_view_set_pixels_below_lines().

The line space is the sum of the value returned by this function and the value returned by gtk_text_view_get_pixels_above_lines().

Returns: default number of blank pixels below paragraphs

method gtk_text_view_get_pixels_below_lines ( --> Int  )

[[gtk_] text_view_] set_pixels_inside_wrap

Sets the default number of pixels of blank space to leave between display/wrapped lines within a paragraph. May be overridden by tags in text_view’s buffer.

method gtk_text_view_set_pixels_inside_wrap ( Int $pixels_inside_wrap )
  • Int $pixels_inside_wrap; default number of pixels between wrapped lines

[[gtk_] text_view_] get_pixels_inside_wrap

Gets the value set by gtk_text_view_set_pixels_inside_wrap().

Returns: default number of pixels of blank space between wrapped lines

method gtk_text_view_get_pixels_inside_wrap ( --> Int  )

[[gtk_] text_view_] set_justification

Sets the default justification of text in text_view. Tags in the view’s buffer may override the default.

method gtk_text_view_set_justification ( GtkJustification $justification )
  • GtkJustification $justification; justification

[[gtk_] text_view_] get_justification

Gets the default justification of paragraphs in text_view. Tags in the buffer may override the default.

Returns: default justification

method gtk_text_view_get_justification ( --> GtkJustification  )

[[gtk_] text_view_] set_left_margin

Sets the default left margin for text in text_view. Tags in the buffer may override the default.

Note that this function is confusingly named. In CSS terms, the value set here is padding.

method gtk_text_view_set_left_margin ( Int $left_margin )
  • Int $left_margin; left margin in pixels

[[gtk_] text_view_] get_left_margin

Gets the default left margin size of paragraphs in the text_view. Tags in the buffer may override the default.

Returns: left margin in pixels

method gtk_text_view_get_left_margin ( --> Int  )

[[gtk_] text_view_] set_right_margin

Sets the default right margin for text in the text view. Tags in the buffer may override the default.

Note that this function is confusingly named. In CSS terms, the value set here is padding.

method gtk_text_view_set_right_margin ( Int $right_margin )
  • Int $right_margin; right margin in pixels

[[gtk_] text_view_] get_right_margin

Gets the default right margin for text in text_view. Tags in the buffer may override the default.

Returns: right margin in pixels

method gtk_text_view_get_right_margin ( --> Int  )

[[gtk_] text_view_] set_top_margin

Sets the top margin for text in text_view.

Note that this function is confusingly named. In CSS terms, the value set here is padding.

Since: 3.18

method gtk_text_view_set_top_margin ( Int $top_margin )
  • Int $top_margin; top margin in pixels

[[gtk_] text_view_] get_top_margin

Gets the top margin for text in the text_view.

Returns: top margin in pixels

Since: 3.18

method gtk_text_view_get_top_margin ( --> Int  )

[[gtk_] text_view_] set_bottom_margin

Sets the bottom margin for text in text_view.

Note that this function is confusingly named. In CSS terms, the value set here is padding.

Since: 3.18

method gtk_text_view_set_bottom_margin ( Int $bottom_margin )
  • Int $bottom_margin; bottom margin in pixels

[[gtk_] text_view_] get_bottom_margin

Gets the bottom margin for text in the text_view.

Returns: bottom margin in pixels

Since: 3.18

method gtk_text_view_get_bottom_margin ( --> Int  )

[[gtk_] text_view_] set_indent

Sets the default indentation for paragraphs in text_view. Tags in the buffer may override the default.

method gtk_text_view_set_indent ( Int $indent )
  • Int $indent; indentation in pixels

[[gtk_] text_view_] get_indent

Gets the default indentation of paragraphs in text_view. Tags in the view’s buffer may override the default. The indentation may be negative.

Returns: number of pixels of indentation

method gtk_text_view_get_indent ( --> Int  )

[[gtk_] text_view_] get_default_attributes

Obtains a copy of the default text attributes. These are the attributes used for text unless a tag overrides them. You’d typically pass the default attributes in to gtk_text_iter_get_attributes() in order to get the attributes in effect at a given text position.

The return value is a copy owned by the caller of this function, and should be freed with gtk_text_attributes_unref().

Returns: a new Gnome::Gtk3::TextAttributes

method gtk_text_view_get_default_attributes ( --> N-GObject  )

[[gtk_] text_view_] set_input_purpose

Sets the input-purpose property which can be used by on-screen keyboards and other input methods to adjust their behaviour.

Since: 3.6

method gtk_text_view_set_input_purpose ( GtkInputPurpose $purpose )
  • GtkInputPurpose $purpose; the purpose

[[gtk_] text_view_] get_input_purpose

Gets the value of the input-purpose property.

Since: 3.6

method gtk_text_view_get_input_purpose ( --> GtkInputPurpose  )

[[gtk_] text_view_] set_input_hints

Sets the input-hints property, which allows input methods to fine-tune their behaviour.

Since: 3.6

method gtk_text_view_set_input_hints ( GtkInputHints $hints )
  • GtkInputHints $hints; the hints

[[gtk_] text_view_] get_input_hints

Gets the value of the input-hints property.

Since: 3.6

method gtk_text_view_get_input_hints ( --> GtkInputHints  )

[[gtk_] text_view_] set_monospace

Sets the monospace property, which indicates that the text view should use monospace fonts.

Since: 3.16

method gtk_text_view_set_monospace ( Int $monospace )
  • Int $monospace; 1 to request monospace styling

[[gtk_] text_view_] get_monospace

Gets the value of the monospace property.

Return: 1 if monospace fonts are desired

Since: 3.16

method gtk_text_view_get_monospace ( --> Int  )


There are two ways to connect to a signal. The first option you have is to use register-signal() from Gnome::GObject::Object. The second option is to use g_signal_connect_object() directly from Gnome::GObject::Signal.

First method

The positional arguments of the signal handler are all obligatory as well as their types. The named attributes :$widget and user data are optional.

# handler method
method mouse-event ( N-GdkEvent $event, :$widget ) { ... }

# connect a signal on window object
my Gnome::Gtk3::Window $w .= new( ... );
$w.register-signal( self, 'mouse-event', 'button-press-event');

Second method

my Gnome::Gtk3::Window $w .= new( ... );
my Callable $handler = sub (
  N-GObject $native, N-GdkEvent $event, OpaquePointer $data
) {

$w.connect-object( 'button-press-event', $handler);

Also here, the types of positional arguments in the signal handler are important. This is because both methods register-signal() and g_signal_connect_object() are using the signatures of the handler routines to setup the native call interface.

Supported signals


Applications should not connect to it, but may emit it with g_signal_emit_by_name() if they need to control the cursor programmatically.

The default bindings for this signal come in two variants, the variant with the Shift modifier extends the selection, the variant without the Shift modifer does not. There are too many key combinations to list them all here. - Arrow keys move by individual characters/lines - Ctrl-arrow key combinations move by words/paragraphs - Home/End keys move to the ends of the buffer - PageUp/PageDown keys move vertically by pages - Ctrl-PageUp/PageDown keys move horizontally by pages

method handler (
  Unknown type GTK_TYPE_MOVEMENT_STEP $step,
  Int $count,
  Int $extend_selection,
  Int :$_handler_id,
  Gnome::GObject::Object :_widget($text_view),
  • $text_view; the object which received the signal

  • $step; the granularity of the move, as a Gnome::Gtk3::MovementStep

  • $count; the number of step units to move

  • $extend_selection; 1 if the move should extend the selection


The move-viewport signal is a [keybinding signal][Gnome::Gtk3::BindingSignal] which can be bound to key combinations to allow the user to move the viewport, i.e. change what part of the text view is visible in a containing scrolled window.

There are no default bindings for this signal.

method handler (
  Unknown type GTK_TYPE_SCROLL_STEP $step,
  Int $count,
  Int :$_handler_id,
  Gnome::GObject::Object :_widget($text_view),
  • $text_view; the object which received the signal

  • $step; the granularity of the movement, as a Gnome::Gtk3::ScrollStep

  • $count; the number of step units to move


The set-anchor signal is a [keybinding signal][Gnome::Gtk3::BindingSignal] which gets emitted when the user initiates setting the “anchor” mark. The “anchor” mark gets placed at the same position as the “insert” mark.

This signal has no default bindings.

method handler (
  Int :$_handler_id,
  Gnome::GObject::Object :_widget($text_view),
  • $text_view; the object which received the signal


The insert-at-cursor signal is a [keybinding signal][Gnome::Gtk3::BindingSignal] which gets emitted when the user initiates the insertion of a fixed string at the cursor.

This signal has no default bindings.

method handler (
  Str $string,
  Int :$_handler_id,
  Gnome::GObject::Object :_widget($text_view),
  • $text_view; the object which received the signal

  • $string; the string to insert


The delete-from-cursor signal is a [keybinding signal][Gnome::Gtk3::BindingSignal] which gets emitted when the user initiates a text deletion.

If the type is GTK_DELETE_CHARS, GTK+ deletes the selection if there is one, otherwise it deletes the requested number of characters.

The default bindings for this signal are Delete for deleting a character, Ctrl-Delete for deleting a word and Ctrl-Backspace for deleting a word backwords.

method handler (
  Unknown type GTK_TYPE_DELETE_TYPE $type,
  Int $count,
  Int :$_handler_id,
  Gnome::GObject::Object :_widget($text_view),
  • $text_view; the object which received the signal

  • $type; the granularity of the deletion, as a Gnome::Gtk3::DeleteType

  • $count; the number of type units to delete


The backspace signal is a [keybinding signal][Gnome::Gtk3::BindingSignal] which gets emitted when the user asks for it.

The default bindings for this signal are Backspace and Shift-Backspace.

method handler (
  Int :$_handler_id,
  Gnome::GObject::Object :_widget($text_view),
  • $text_view; the object which received the signal


The cut-clipboard signal is a [keybinding signal][Gnome::Gtk3::BindingSignal] which gets emitted to cut the selection to the clipboard.

The default bindings for this signal are Ctrl-x and Shift-Delete.

method handler (
  Int :$_handler_id,
  Gnome::GObject::Object :_widget($text_view),
  • $text_view; the object which received the signal


The copy-clipboard signal is a [keybinding signal][Gnome::Gtk3::BindingSignal] which gets emitted to copy the selection to the clipboard.

The default bindings for this signal are Ctrl-c and Ctrl-Insert.

method handler (
  Int :$_handler_id,
  Gnome::GObject::Object :_widget($text_view),
  • $text_view; the object which received the signal


The paste-clipboard signal is a [keybinding signal][Gnome::Gtk3::BindingSignal] which gets emitted to paste the contents of the clipboard into the text view.

The default bindings for this signal are Ctrl-v and Shift-Insert.

method handler (
  Int :$_handler_id,
  Gnome::GObject::Object :_widget($text_view),
  • $text_view; the object which received the signal


The toggle-overwrite signal is a [keybinding signal][Gnome::Gtk3::BindingSignal] which gets emitted to toggle the overwrite mode of the text view.

The default bindings for this signal is Insert.

method handler (
  Int :$_handler_id,
  Gnome::GObject::Object :_widget($text_view),
  • $text_view; the object which received the signal


The populate-popup signal gets emitted before showing the context menu of the text view.

If you need to add items to the context menu, connect to this signal and append your items to the popup, which will be a Gnome::Gtk3::Menu in this case.

If populate-all is 1, this signal will also be emitted to populate touch popups. In this case, popup will be a different container, e.g. a Gnome::Gtk3::Toolbar.

The signal handler should not make assumptions about the type of widget, but check whether popup is a Gnome::Gtk3::Menu or Gnome::Gtk3::Toolbar or another kind of container.

method handler (
  N-GObject $popup,
  Int :$_handler_id,
  Gnome::GObject::Object :_widget($text_view),
  • $text_view; The text view on which the signal is emitted

  • $popup; the container that is being populated


The select-all signal is a [keybinding signal][Gnome::Gtk3::BindingSignal] which gets emitted to select or unselect the complete contents of the text view.

The default bindings for this signal are Ctrl-a and Ctrl-/ for selecting and Shift-Ctrl-a and Ctrl-\ for unselecting.

method handler (
  Int $select,
  Int :$_handler_id,
  Gnome::GObject::Object :_widget($text_view),
  • $text_view; the object which received the signal

  • $select; 1 to select, 0 to unselect


The toggle-cursor-visible signal is a [keybinding signal][Gnome::Gtk3::BindingSignal] which gets emitted to toggle the cursor-visible property.

The default binding for this signal is F7.

method handler (
  Int :$_handler_id,
  Gnome::GObject::Object :_widget($text_view),
  • $text_view; the object which received the signal


If an input method is used, the typed text will not immediately be committed to the buffer. So if you are interested in the text, connect to this signal.

This signal is only emitted if the text at the given position is actually editable.

Since: 2.20

method handler (
  Str $preedit,
  Int :$_handler_id,
  Gnome::GObject::Object :_widget($text_view),
  • $text_view; the object which received the signal

  • $preedit; the current preedit string


An example of using a string type property of a Gnome::Gtk3::Label object. This is just showing how to set/read a property, not that it is the best way to do it. This is because a) The class initialization often provides some options to set some of the properties and b) the classes provide many methods to modify just those properties. In the case below one can use new(:label(‘my text label’)) or gtk_label_set_text(‘my text label’).

my Gnome::Gtk3::Label $label .= new;
my Gnome::GObject::Value $gv .= new(:init(G_TYPE_STRING));
$label.g-object-get-property( 'label', $gv);
$gv.g-value-set-string('my text label');

Supported properties

Pixels Above Lines

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property pixels-above-lines is G_TYPE_INT.

Pixels Below Lines

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property pixels-below-lines is G_TYPE_INT.

Pixels Inside Wrap

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property pixels-inside-wrap is G_TYPE_INT.


Whether the text can be modified by the user Default value: True

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property editable is G_TYPE_BOOLEAN.

Wrap Mode

Whether to wrap lines never, at word boundaries_COMMA_ or at character boundaries Default value: False

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property wrap-mode is G_TYPE_ENUM.


Left, right_COMMA_ or center justification Default value: False

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property justification is G_TYPE_ENUM.

Left Margin

The default left margin for text in the text view. Tags in the buffer may override the default. Note that this property is confusingly named. In CSS terms, the value set here is padding, and it is applied in addition to the padding from the theme. Don’t confuse this property with margin-left.

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property left-margin is G_TYPE_INT.

Right Margin

The default right margin for text in the text view. Tags in the buffer may override the default. Note that this property is confusingly named. In CSS terms, the value set here is padding, and it is applied in addition to the padding from the theme. Don’t confuse this property with margin-right.

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property right-margin is G_TYPE_INT.

Top Margin

The top margin for text in the text view. Note that this property is confusingly named. In CSS terms, the value set here is padding, and it is applied in addition to the padding from the theme. Don’t confuse this property with margin-top. Since: 3.18

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property top-margin is G_TYPE_INT.

Bottom Margin

The bottom margin for text in the text view. Note that this property is confusingly named. In CSS terms, the value set here is padding, and it is applied in addition to the padding from the theme. Don’t confuse this property with margin-bottom. Since: 3.18

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property bottom-margin is G_TYPE_INT.


The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property indent is G_TYPE_INT.


The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property tabs is G_TYPE_BOXED.

Cursor Visible

If the insertion cursor is shown Default value: True

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property cursor-visible is G_TYPE_BOOLEAN.


The buffer which is displayed Widget type: GTK_TYPE_TEXT_BUFFER

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property buffer is G_TYPE_OBJECT.

Overwrite mode

Whether entered text overwrites existing contents Default value: False

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property overwrite is G_TYPE_BOOLEAN.

Accepts tab

Whether Tab will result in a tab character being entered Default value: True

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property accepts-tab is G_TYPE_BOOLEAN.

IM module

Which IM (input method) module should be used for this text_view. See Gnome::Gtk3::IMContext. Setting this to a non-Any value overrides the system-wide IM module setting. See the Gnome::Gtk3::Settings gtk-im-module property. Since: 2.16

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property im-module is G_TYPE_STRING.


The purpose of this text field. This property can be used by on-screen keyboards and other input methods to adjust their behaviour. Since: 3.6 Widget type: GTK_TYPE_INPUT_PURPOSE

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property input-purpose is G_TYPE_ENUM.


Additional hints (beyond input-purpose) that allow input methods to fine-tune their behaviour. Since: 3.6

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property input-hints is G_TYPE_FLAGS.

Populate all

If populate-all is 1, the populate-popup signal is also emitted for touch popups. Since: 3.8

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property populate-all is G_TYPE_BOOLEAN.


If 1, set the GTK_STYLE_CLASS_MONOSPACE style class on the text view to indicate that a monospace font is desired. Since: 3.16

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property monospace is G_TYPE_BOOLEAN.