A container box for packing widgets in a single row or column
The Gnome::Gtk3::Box widget arranges child widgets into a single row or column, depending upon the value of its orientation property. Within the other dimension, all children are allocated the same size. Of course, the halign and valign properties can be used on the children to influence their allocation.
Gnome::Gtk3::Box uses a notion of packing. Packing refers to adding widgets with reference to a particular position in a Gnome::Gtk3::Container. For a Gnome::Gtk3::Box, there are two reference positions: the start and the end of the box. For a vertical Gnome::Gtk3::Box, the start is defined as the top of the box and the end is defined as the bottom. For a horizontal Gnome::Gtk3::Box the start is defined as the left side and the end is defined as the right side.
Use repeated calls to pack-start()
to pack widgets into a Gnome::Gtk3::Box from start to end. Use gtk-box-pack-end()
to add widgets from end to start. You may intersperse these calls and add widgets from both ends of the same Gnome::Gtk3::Box.
Because Gnome::Gtk3::Box is a Gnome::Gtk3::Container, you may also use gtk-container-add()
to insert widgets into the box, and they will be packed with the default values for expand and fill child properties. Use gtk-container-remove()
to remove widgets from the Gnome::Gtk3::Box.
Use gtk-box-set-homogeneous()
to specify whether or not all children of the Gnome::Gtk3::Box are forced to get the same amount of space.
Use gtk-box-set-spacing()
to determine how much space will be minimally placed between all children in the Gnome::Gtk3::Box. Note that spacing is added between the children, while padding added by gtk-box-pack-start()
or gtk-box-pack-end()
is added on either side of the widget it belongs to.
Use gtk-box-reorder-child()
to move a Gnome::Gtk3::Box child to a different place in the box.
Use gtk-box-set-child-packing()
to reset the expand, fill and padding child properties. Use gtk-box-query-child-packing()
to query these fields.
Css Nodes
Gnome::Gtk3::Box uses a single CSS node with name box.
In horizontal orientation, the nodes of the children are always arranged from left to right. So first-child
will always select the leftmost child, regardless of text direction.
Implemented Interfaces
See Also
Gnome::Gtk3::Frame, Gnome::Gtk3::Grid, Gnome::Gtk3::Layout
unit class Gnome::Gtk3::Box;
also is Gnome::Gtk3::Container;
also does Gnome::Gtk3::Orientable;
default, no options
Create a new plain object growing horizontally. Default spacing between inserted widgets is by default 0 pixels.
multi method new ( )
Create a new plain object growing horizontally. Specify spacing between inserted widgets with :spacing
multi method new ( Int() :$spacing )
:orientation, :spacing
Create a new plain object using orientation for extension of the container.
multi method new (
GtkOrientation :$orientation!, Int() :$spacing = 0
Create a Box object using a native object from elsewhere. See also Gnome::N::TopLevelClassSupport.
multi method new ( N-GObject :$native-object! )
Create a Box object using a native object returned from a builder. See also Gnome::GObject::Object.
multi method new ( Str :$build-id! )
Gets the value set by set-baseline-position()
Returns: the baseline position
method get-baseline-position ( --> GtkBaselinePosition )
get-center-widget, get-center-widget-rk
Retrieves the center widget of the box.
Returns: the center widget or undefined
in case no center widget is set.
method get-center-widget ( --> N-GObject )
method get-center-widget ( --> Gnome::GObject::Object )
Returns whether the box is homogeneous (all children are the same size). See set-homogeneous()
Returns: True
if the box is homogeneous.
method get-homogeneous ( --> Bool )
Gets the value set by set-spacing()
Returns: spacing between children
method get-spacing ( --> Int )
Adds child to box, packed with reference to the end of box. The child is packed after (away from end of) any other child packed with reference to the end of box.
method pack-end (
N-GObject() $child, Bool $expand, Bool $fill, UInt $padding
$child; the Gnome::Gtk3::Widget to be added to box
if the new child is to be given extra space allocated to box. The extra space will be divided evenly between all children of box that use this option -
if space given to child by the expand option is actually allocated to child, rather than just padding it. This parameter has no effect if expand is set toFalse
. A child is always allocated the full height of a horizontal Gnome::Gtk3::Box and the full width of a vertical Gnome::Gtk3::Box. This option affects the other dimension -
$padding; extra space in pixels to put between this child and its neighbors, over and above the global amount specified by spacing property. If child is a widget at one of the reference ends of box, then padding pixels are also put between child and the reference edge of box
Adds child to box, packed with reference to the start of box. The child is packed after any other child packed with reference to the start of box.
method pack-start (
N-GObject() $child, Bool $expand, Bool $fill, UInt $padding
$child; the Gnome::Gtk3::Widget to be added to box
if the new child is to be given extra space allocated to box. The extra space will be divided evenly between all children that use this option -
if space given to child by the expand option is actually allocated to child, rather than just padding it. This parameter has no effect if expand is set toFalse
. A child is always allocated the full height of a horizontal Gnome::Gtk3::Box and the full width of a vertical Gnome::Gtk3::Box. This option affects the other dimension -
$padding; extra space in pixels to put between this child and its neighbors, over and above the global amount specified by spacing property. If child is a widget at one of the reference ends of box, then padding pixels are also put between child and the reference edge of box
Obtains information about how child is packed into box.
method query-child-packing ( N-GObject() $child --> List )
- $child; the Gnome::Gtk3::Widget of the child to query
The returned List contains;
$expand; expand child property
$fill; fill child property
$padding; padding child property
$pack_type; pack-type child property
Moves child to a new position in the list of box children. The list contains widgets packed GTK-PACK-START
as well as widgets packed GTK-PACK-END
, in the order that these widgets were added to box.
A widget’s position in the box children list determines where the widget is packed into box. A child widget at some position in the list will be packed just after all other widgets of the same packing type that appear earlier in the list.
method reorder-child ( N-GObject() $child, Int() $position )
$child; the Gnome::Gtk3::Widget to move
$position; the new position for child in the list of children of box, starting from 0. If negative, indicates the end of the list
Sets the baseline position of a box. This affects only horizontal boxes with at least one baseline aligned child. If there is more vertical space available than requested, and the baseline is not allocated by the parent then position is used to allocate the baseline wrt the extra space available.
method set-baseline-position ( GtkBaselinePosition $position )
- $position; a Gnome::Gtk3::BaselinePosition
Sets a center widget; that is a child widget that will be centered with respect to the full width of the box, even if the children at either side take up different amounts of space.
method set-center-widget ( N-GObject() $widget )
- $widget; the widget to center
Sets the way child is packed into box.
method set-child-packing (
N-GObject() $child, Bool $expand, Bool $fill,
UInt $padding, GtkPackType $pack_type
$child; the Gnome::Gtk3::Widget of the child to set
$expand; the new value of the expand child property
$fill; the new value of the fill child property
$padding; the new value of the padding child property
$pack_type; the new value of the pack-type child property
Sets the homogeneous property of box, controlling whether or not all children of box are given equal space in the box.
method set-homogeneous ( Bool $homogeneous )
- $homogeneous; a boolean value,
to create equal allotments,False
for variable allotments
Sets the spacing property of box, which is the number of pixels to place between children of box.
method set-spacing ( Int() $spacing )
- $spacing; the number of pixels to put between children
The position of the baseline aligned widgets if extra space is available
The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property baseline-position is G_TYPE_ENUM
Parameter is readable and writable.
Whether the child should receive extra space when the parent grows
The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property expand is G_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Parameter is readable and writable.
Default value is FALSE.
Whether extra space given to the child should be allocated to the child or used as padding
The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property fill is G_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Parameter is readable and writable.
Default value is TRUE.
Whether the children should all be the same size
The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property homogeneous is G_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Parameter is readable and writable.
Default value is FALSE.
A GtkPackType indicating whether the child is packed with reference to the start or end of the parent
The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property pack-type is G_TYPE_ENUM
Parameter is readable and writable.
Default value is GTK_PACK_START.
Extra space to put between the child and its neighbors, in pixels
The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property padding is G_TYPE_UINT
Parameter is readable and writable.
Minimum value is 0.
Maximum value is G_MAXINT.
Default value is 0.
The index of the child in the parent
The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property position is G_TYPE_INT
Parameter is readable and writable.
Minimum value is -1.
Maximum value is G_MAXINT.
Default value is 0.
The amount of space between children
The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property spacing is G_TYPE_INT
Parameter is readable and writable.
Minimum value is 0.
Maximum value is G_MAXINT.
Default value is 0.