Interfacing Raku to Gnome GTK+


A tag that can be applied to text in a Gnome::Gtk3::TextBuffer


You may wish to begin by reading the text widget conceptual overview which gives an overview of all the objects and data types related to the text widget and how they work together.

Tags should be in the Gnome::Gtk3::TextTagTable for a given Gnome::Gtk3::TextBuffer before using them with that buffer.

gtk_text_buffer_create_tag() is the best way to create tags. See “gtk3-demo” for numerous examples.

For each property of Gnome::Gtk3::TextTag, there is a “set” property, e.g. “font-set” corresponds to “font”. These “set” properties reflect whether a property has been set or not. They are maintained by GTK+ and you should not set them independently.



unit class Gnome::Gtk3::TextTag;
also is Gnome::GObject::Object;



Create a new plain object.

multi method new ( Bool :$empty! )

Create a new tag object. Tag will have the given name.

multi method new ( Str :$tag-name! )

Create an object using a native object from elsewhere. See also Gnome::GObject::Object.

multi method new ( N-GObject :$native-object! )

Create an object using a native object from a builder. See also Gnome::GObject::Object.

multi method new ( Str :$build-id! )

[gtk_] text_tag_new

Creates a Gnome::Gtk3::TextTag. Configure the tag using object arguments, i.e. using g_object_set().

Returns: a new Gnome::Gtk3::TextTag

method gtk_text_tag_new ( Str $name --> N-GObject  )
  • Str $name; tag name, or Any

[[gtk_] text_tag_] get_priority

Get the tag priority.

Returns: The tag’s priority.

method gtk_text_tag_get_priority ( --> Int  )

[[gtk_] text_tag_] set_priority

Sets the priority of a Gnome::Gtk3::TextTag. Valid priorities start at 0 and go to one less than gtk_text_tag_table_get_size(). Each tag in a table has a unique priority; setting the priority of one tag shifts the priorities of all the other tags in the table to maintain a unique priority for each tag. Higher priority tags “win” if two tags both set the same text attribute. When adding a tag to a tag table, it will be assigned the highest priority in the table by default; so normally the precedence of a set of tags is the order in which they were added to the table, or created with gtk_text_buffer_create_tag(), which adds the tag to the buffer’s table automatically.

method gtk_text_tag_set_priority ( Int $priority )
  • Int $priority; the new priority

[gtk_] text_tag_event

Emits the “event” signal on the Gnome::Gtk3::TextTag.

Returns: result of signal emission (whether the event was handled)

method gtk_text_tag_event (
  N-GObject $event_object, N-GdkEvent $event, N-GObject $iter
  --> Int
  • N-GObject $event_object; object that received the event, such as a widget

  • N-GdkEvent $event; the event

  • N-GObject $iter; location where the event was received

[gtk_] text_tag_changed

Emits the tag-changed signal on the Gnome::Gtk3::TextTagTable where the tag is included.

The signal is already emitted when setting a Gnome::Gtk3::TextTag property. This function is useful for a Gnome::Gtk3::TextTag subclass.

Since: 3.20

method gtk_text_tag_changed ( Int $size_changed )
  • Int $size_changed; whether the change affects the Gnome::Gtk3::TextView layout.


There are two ways to connect to a signal. The first option you have is to use register-signal() from Gnome::GObject::Object. The second option is to use g_signal_connect_object() directly from Gnome::GObject::Signal.

First method

The positional arguments of the signal handler are all obligatory as well as their types. The named attributes :$widget and user data are optional.

# handler method
method mouse-event ( N-GdkEvent $event, :$widget ) { ... }

# connect a signal on window object
my Gnome::Gtk3::Window $w .= new( ... );
$w.register-signal( self, 'mouse-event', 'button-press-event');

Second method

my Gnome::Gtk3::Window $w .= new( ... );
my Callable $handler = sub (
  N-GObject $native, N-GdkEvent $event, OpaquePointer $data
) {

$w.connect-object( 'button-press-event', $handler);

Also here, the types of positional arguments in the signal handler are important. This is because both methods register-signal() and g_signal_connect_object() are using the signatures of the handler routines to setup the native call interface.

Supported signals


The event signal is emitted when an event occurs on a region of the buffer marked with this tag.

Returns: 1 to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event. 0 to propagate the event further.

method handler (
  N-GObject $object,
  N-GdkEvent $event,
  N-GObject $iter,
  Int :$_handler_id,
  Gnome::GObject::Object :_widget($tag),
  --> Int
  • $tag; the Gnome::Gtk3::TextTag on which the signal is emitted

  • $object; the object the event was fired from (typically a native Gnome::Gtk3::TextView)

  • $event; the event which triggered the signal

  • $iter; a native Gnome::Gtk3::TextIter pointing at the location the event occurred


An example of using a string type property of a Gnome::Gtk3::Label object. This is just showing how to set/read a property, not that it is the best way to do it. This is because a) The class initialization often provides some options to set some of the properties and b) the classes provide many methods to modify just those properties. In the case below one can use new(:label(‘my text label’)) or gtk_label_set_text(‘my text label’).

my Gnome::Gtk3::Label $label .= new;
my Gnome::GObject::Value $gv .= new(:init(G_TYPE_STRING));
$label.g-object-get-property( 'label', $gv);
$gv.g-value-set-string('my text label');

Supported properties

Tag name

Name used to refer to the text tag. NULL for anonymous tags Default value: Any

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property name is G_TYPE_STRING.

Background color name

Background color as a string Default value: Any

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property background is G_TYPE_STRING.

Background RGBA

Background color as a Gnome::Gdk3::RGBA. Since: 3.2

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property background-rgba is G_TYPE_BOXED.

Background full height

Whether the background color fills the entire line height or only the height of the tagged characters Default value: False

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property background-full-height is G_TYPE_BOOLEAN.

Foreground color name

Foreground color as a string Default value: Any

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property foreground is G_TYPE_STRING.

Foreground RGBA

Foreground color as a Gnome::Gdk3::RGBA. Since: 3.2

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property foreground-rgba is G_TYPE_BOXED.

Text direction

Text direction, e.g. right-to-left or left-to-right Default value: False

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property direction is G_TYPE_ENUM.


Whether the text can be modified by the user Default value: True

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property editable is G_TYPE_BOOLEAN.


Font description as string, e.g. "Sans Italic 12". Note that the initial value of this property depends on the internals of PangoFontDescription.

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property font is G_TYPE_STRING.

Font family

Name of the font family, e.g. Sans_COMMA_ Helvetica_COMMA_ Times_COMMA_ Monospace Default value: Any

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property family is G_TYPE_STRING.

Font style

Font style as a PangoStyle, e.g. PANGO_STYLE_ITALIC Default value: False

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property style is G_TYPE_ENUM.

Font variant

Font variant as a PangoVariant, e.g. PANGO_VARIANT_SMALL_CAPS Default value: False

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property variant is G_TYPE_ENUM.

Font weight

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property weight is G_TYPE_INT.

Font stretch

Font stretch as a PangoStretch, e.g. PANGO_STRETCH_CONDENSED Default value: False

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property stretch is G_TYPE_ENUM.

Font size

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property size is G_TYPE_INT.

Font scale

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property scale is G_TYPE_DOUBLE.

Font points

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property size-points is G_TYPE_DOUBLE.


Left, right_COMMA_ or center justification Default value: False

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property justification is G_TYPE_ENUM.


The language this text is in, as an ISO code. Pango can use this as a hint when rendering the text. If not set, an appropriate default will be used. Note that the initial value of this property depends on the current locale, see also gtk_get_default_language().

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property language is G_TYPE_STRING.

Left margin

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property left-margin is G_TYPE_INT.

Right margin

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property right-margin is G_TYPE_INT.


The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property indent is G_TYPE_INT.


The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property rise is G_TYPE_INT.

Pixels above lines

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property pixels-above-lines is G_TYPE_INT.

Pixels below lines

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property pixels-below-lines is G_TYPE_INT.

Pixels inside wrap

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property pixels-inside-wrap is G_TYPE_INT.


Whether to strike through the text Default value: False

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property strikethrough is G_TYPE_BOOLEAN.


Style of underline for this text Default value: False

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property underline is G_TYPE_ENUM.

Wrap mode

Whether to wrap lines never, at word boundaries_COMMA_ or at character boundaries. Default value: False

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property wrap-mode is G_TYPE_ENUM.


Whether this text is hidden. Note that there may still be problems with the support for invisible text, in particular when navigating programmatically inside a buffer containing invisible segments.

Since: 2.8

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property invisible is G_TYPE_BOOLEAN.

Paragraph background color name

The paragraph background color as a string. Since: 2.8

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property paragraph-background is G_TYPE_STRING.


Whether font fallback is enabled. When set to 1, other fonts will be substituted where the current font is missing glyphs.

Since: 3.16

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property fallback is G_TYPE_BOOLEAN.

Letter Spacing

Extra spacing between graphemes, in Pango units. Since: 3.16

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property letter-spacing is G_TYPE_INT.

Font Features

OpenType font features, as a string. Since: 3.18

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property font-features is G_TYPE_STRING.

Margin Accumulates

Whether the margins accumulate or override each other. When set to 1 the margins of this tag are added to the margins of any other non-accumulative margins present. When set to 0 the margins override one another (the default). Since: 2.12

The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property accumulative-margin is G_TYPE_BOOLEAN.


The Gnome::GObject::Value type of property g_object_class_install_property (object_class is G_TYPE_.